Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pros and cons of development on iOS7

iOS7 is out with some exciting features but what are the pros and cons of iOS7. Read more!
iOS 7 has come with many critical changes and it has shaken up the iOS development community as well. For iPhone app developers, there are thousands of new APIs to work with and that is an enthusiastic thing for them. However, despite advantages there are a lot of challenges that iPhone app development companies are facing as they are shifting their development standards to iOS7. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of development on iOS7.

Advantages of iOS7

  • The user interface of iOS 7 is simple and looks clean and vivid. Navigation is better as compared to iOS6.

  • Makes developers more efficient while making apps. Avoiding skeuomorphic design lays emphasis upon the idea of the app and the the design. Development is much faster than its previous versions.

  • iOS 7 comes with better processing power that enhances the performance of the device. Developers can surely churn out a lot for their apps too. 
  • iOS7 has better GL rendering facility that gives it better graphic processing speed which is obviously advantageous to graphic intensive apps.

  • iOS7 comes with pathbreaking enterprise features that can trigger massive enterprise app development for iOS. Separate management of general and enterprise apps is great and could help developers explore this domain with ease. 
  • iOS7 comes with the best security features will date which is valuable for users and app development companies too. 
Disadvantages of developing for iOS7

  • iOS 7 has included a fundamental change pertaining to the resolution of the screen. The iOS7 interface has done away with the black bar for notifications and hence the resolution of the screen has changed too. it creates issues while creating apps for iOS7.
  • Although a large number of users with older Apple devices have shifted to iOS7, a lot of people might still choose to remain happy with the older OS only. The reason is iOS7 is not fluid on iPhone 4. 
  • App migration from earlier version of iOS to iOS7 is difficult and need a little rework. 
  • Many APIs supplied with iOS7 are not yet complete with their documentation which hinders development process. 
  • The shift from skeuomorphic design has actually challenged the visualization skills of designers who have are adapted to real life design for previous versions of iOS.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Take a comprehensive look on who's leading the phone market iOS or Android?

iOS or Android? Which one outshines the other and why? This is the most hyped up debate prevailing within the wireless industry today. Undeniably, both iOS and Android are grand mobile platforms. They both tend to have quite a room for improvement and different takes on what matters to the consumers. However, there are separate clusters of people who feel one surpasses the other. Now without creating ruckus, let us find out the meaningful differences between prominent features of iOS7 and Android by paying attention to informative factual data that will rationally assist you in deciding which one weighs higher.
Interface: Touch interfaces are a common thing between both iOS and Android with features like swiping, tapping and pinch-and-zoom. iOS and Android when rebooted, show up the homescreen just like the computer desktop. An Android lets you use widgets that display auto-updating information such as weather and email while the iOS homescreen only contains rows of app icons. Yet, the iOS user interface features a doc where users are allowed to pin their regularly used applications.

User experience: Now this count majorly, hence a factual data will direct us better. According to Pfeiffer Report released in September 2013 iOS rates significantly better than Android on cognitive load and user friction. The report reveals that iOS 7 rates as high as 73.25, iOS 6 is rated at 70 followed by Android (Samsung) at 57.25.

Apps available on iOS v/s Android: If we compare the quantity of the apps on both the platforms they end up being same and equally impressive. Currently both the operating systems claim to have more than 800,000 third-party programs for their respective platform. This suggests iPhone app development and Android app development are prospering at a fast pace in their respective operating systems. The next question arises is who serves better apps? This is a bit tricky one as app quality is inherently subjective. However, in data published in a readwrite story in January, it said that the average iOS app, with a score of 68.5, is superior to the average Android app, at 63.3.

Software upgrades: Even though Google claims to update Android frequently, it may have happened that users might not have received the updates on their phones. The phone manufacturers decide whether and when to offer software upgrades. Even when an upgrade is offered, it happens to be generally after several months after the release of the new version of Android. On the other hand, iOS users have an advantage as the updates are usually available to all iOS devices excluding exceptional devices older than three years.

Platform selling maximum smartphones: According to a research carried out by Kantar Worldpanel Comtech during mid- November to mid- February shows Android phones outshining the iPhone by a hefty margin of 52.1 percent to 43.5 percent.

Web Browsing: While android uses Google Chrome as its web-browser, iOS uses safari. Both Internet browsers are alike in quality and abilities and while Google Chrome is also available for iOS, Safari is not available for Android.  The monthly stats published by NetMarketShare on which browsers and operating systems are being used on the Net has given a report for March 2013 which says that among mobile devices, iOS rules with 60.1 percent share. While, Android lands at 24.9 percent. Considering that there are more Android devices out there, the data denotes that iOS users are excessively active online.

Security: This factor holds a lot of importance at the user-end. The Android applications are inaccessible from the rest of the system’s resources, unless a user specifically grants an application access to other features. However, for Android there exists a much extensive malware where text messages are sent to premium rate numbers without the knowledge of the user. While for iOS malware writers are less likely to write apps, due to Apple's review of all the apps and verification of the identity of app publishers.

To conclude every individual of course, are entitled to come to a different conclusion according to their personal experience and choices. The truth is both OS have their own pros and cons and each OS tends to outshine the other on different factors, which still leads the debate further.

Friday, November 8, 2013

iPhone5 more App friendly then 5S, reports more app crash than ever

iPhone5S twice more prone to app crashes compared to iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C due to hardware problems, However app developers are now trying to catch up.
The iPhone5S has been widely acclaimed by iPhone App development Companies and iPhone App developers for its pathbreaking features as the Touch ID and phenomenal 64-bit A7 processor and M7 coprocessor. However latest reports by Critterism has literally revealed serious chinks in the armor. The iPhone 5S although acclaimed to be the latest, fastest and greatest iPhone ever, has been experiencing its fair of serious issues of bugs and app crashes. The iPhone 5S reportedly faces more app crash than its predecessor iPhone 5 or older models of the tech giant’s flagship product. While app crashes are a common occurrence when there’s an up gradation, the higher rate of app crashes in iPhone 5S has indeed made everybody stand and take notice.

According to research released by Crittercism, A leading mobile app performance monitoring company, where-in it monitored hundreds of millions of apps launched since iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S became available. The apps running on iPhone 5S crash twice as often as the same apps on iPhone5, Iphone5C or other models. Critterscism claims that the Apple iPhone 5S has a crash rate that is twice that on iPhone 5 and iphone 5C. Thus while the usual rate for app crashes on iPhone is a little under 1 percent, the rate on the iPhone 5S is closer to 2 percent. Another common issue reported has been linked to multitasking on the iPhone 5S is the frequent occurrence of the bug called ‘blue screen of death’ (BSOD) that appears on the iPhone screen. The iPhone app developers at Openxcell, The leading Off-Shore iPhone app development Company too tested apps on both iPhone 5S and iPhone 5 and found noticeable amount of crashes. In some cases there were springboard crashes that were absolutely annoying. It was also noticed on multiple occasions that iPhone 5S crashed and booted itself randomly.  At times it just crashed to give the blue screen of death (BSOD) when our developers attempted multi tasking.

A major reason to the issue is attributed to the fact that while the developers just had the iOS 7 software to check the apps for compatibility during the several months of beta testing, but they had no clue about the latest iPhone 5S hardware of 64- bit A7 chip and M7 co-processor that powers the iPhone 5S. The developers were indeed taken by surprise with the launch of the 64-bit architecture A7 processor and the M7 coprocessor. Since iPhone 5C and iPhone5 share the same A6 chip and are nearly identical, internally, the two flagship models performed the same and continue to offer a seamless experience. Thus because the developers were unable to check compatibility with the new 64-bit A7 processor on the latest iPhone 5S and its new 64 bit processor ahead of its launch even though testing for iOS 7 on 32-bit chips had been possible since the first beta was released at the Apple’ Annual worldwide developers Conference in June, There have emerged certain transition challenges which shall be soon resolved.

Crittercism CEO Andrew Levy also has reassured iPhone app developers and iPhone App development companies that “The good news is that Apple is certainly aware of issues. They’ve pushed out two iOS updates for iOS7…Apple is dong a really old job of addressing these issues as they come up.” The Cupertino based giant has since the iPhone 5S launch last month redesigned and optimized a number of noteworthy apps, and the trends is set to follow.  Although this is an inevitable problem with each release of hardware or new operating system, it has been surprising to see app crash at such a higher rate. While Apple has already released two new updates to the iOS, iPhone app developers and iPhone app development company eagerly look forward to the launch of iOS 7.0.3 expected on November 22   to overcome the transition challenge.