Monday, June 16, 2014

How to optimize keywords for your iTunes app

App store optimization has become the focal point of app marketing for app development companies. Everyone wants to get it right and get their apps discovered. Of the many factors for a successful ASO campaign is keyword optimization. The keyword associated with an app is always determined by the title and the description of the application deployed in the store, however this is not all. In order to efficiently use keywords and optimizing them for your app is a tricky stuff. Here are some of the suggestions to optimize your keywords for iTunes.

  • Try and put as many high value terms in the title as possible. It is better to use more than 5 keywords in the title. If you are using a keyword mining/app analytics tools you can easily find out the most preferred keywords and incorporate them in the description and title.

  • Remember that itunes does not allow you to go beyond 100 characters for keywords. This is a critical limitation in itunes but on the other hand it makes the marketers write more specific.

  • It is better if you avoid using spaces between the keywords. Provide commas and write one keyword after another. Plural versions of the words can be used and need not be registered. iTunes is doing a better job with plural words these days.

  • One should also understand the general principle of competition in present mobile app development scenario. It is better to consider the keywords that have average search volume. High volume keywords have high competition and hence ranking your app will be more difficult. You must always remember that the goal of all ASO activities is to get your app discovered by the relevant mass of users.

  • Do not duplicate your app name/terms in the keyword field. If your app name is Poop the world, do not use poop and world in the keyword field. It is not advised and should be avoided.

  • Run a search on google adwords and check out the keywords. If there are a lot of popular apps in the app store that clashed with your app keywords, you might look for another set of keywords or set different name for your app.

  • Two short words can lead to more traffic than one long word however key phrases that your target audience might search with, can be a good deal too.

  • Keep analytics handy and try to understand what exactly people are searching when they are reaching your app and installing it. Is it a set of keywords or is it some popular key phrase that you could not figure out was possible to help them discover your app?

Keywords optimization is one of the key factors in app store optimization. However one has to understand that their approximation about the type of users they are attracting might vary. One needs to consistently keep an eye on the visits, analyze them and make required changes it required.