Saturday, October 22, 2011

3 reasons why iPhone app development India can help you save big - iPhone App Developer India

iPhone app store is extremely competitive. The way you price your app is crucial to its commercial success. To enjoy a bigger share of your profit, you can either lower down the app development cost or speed up the time to market. Choosing iPhone app development India allows you to get the benefit of both. If you belong to a western country then you can benefit from the time zone difference as well. Read on to find out how you can broaden your profit margin by outsourcing iPhone development to Indian companies.
Mark down prices: Let’s work this out. If you hire an iPhone developer from US on hourly basis, you would pay about $75 per hour. An expert iPhone developer from India will cost you about $20 an hour. You get a straight savings of $55 per hour. Say, it takes about eight weeks to complete your project, and your developer works for eight hours each day. Simply by switching to an offshore partner you save more than $2500 on the total app development project.
Flexible work timing: Time-zone difference plays the trick here. Say, you asked your offshore partner to make certain changes at 5pm. Next day when you sit at your desk at 9am, you can check that the changes have been made. While you enjoyed your evening with family, your iPhone app was being worked at all along.
App development often requires multiple revision cycles. By partnering an offshore app development company you can speed up the revision cycle and thereby reduce your time to market.
Take advantage of diverse portfolio: India is a hub of outsourced IT. Majority of the app development companies have a diverse team of expert developers, talented app designers, quality testing and on-demand support. You don’t need to find and pay separately to an app designer or to get your app tested for functionality. This way you save a lot of time in finding the missing talent and coordinating it with the app development team. Outsourcing to an expert Indian company will give free you up from the hassles of iPhone app development.
Yet, quality issues and language barrier have come up as the major hurdles in outsourcing. These can be tackled if you choose an expert iPhone app development company that completely understands the outsourcing model and works to nullify every problem faced while outsourcing.
OpenXcell Technolabs is an offshore iPhone app development company and is ISO 9001:2008 certified. We provide hire iPhone app developer services at very affordable prices. To view our iPhone app portfolio and to get a free quote, visit

Friday, October 21, 2011

What makes any android game Awesome! - Android Game Development

Are you about to get your game idea developed into an Android game? Take a quick read of the top three factors that can make your android game a hit on the app store.

The android app market is swelling with every variety of games right from light casual games to war games through to strategic board games and heart stopping racing games. If you too have chosen android to bring your game ideas to life, here are three must-haves for your android game.

Life-like characters modeling: Characters certainly give your game a distinct appeal. But mere sketching eye-catchy characters will not do the magic. Your hefty guardian to the secret treasures of the Cayman Island should walk and ‘behave’ like a real guard. He should have those tough face expressions and a sturdy walk. Cloth dynamics goes a great way to make the character look life-like. There are a handful of game development technologies on which you can build your game ideas on. For 3D games, character modeling becomes even more challenging and central to the success of the game.

Android is a great platform to build games on. However, while developing any mobile game especially for Android; the biggest bottleneck is to scale up and down the app for a variety of screen sizes. You need an expert in android game development who can do the coding right to bring the magic of your game concept to life.

Next-to-real game scenario: It is the game scenario that accentuates the overall look and feel of the game. Don’t leave the landscape designing and terrain optimization to the last moment. It plays a major role in bringing about the true appeal of your game idea. Paying attention to the details will surely pay you back in the form of awesome gaming experience and give you a competitive advantage over others in the app store.

Nifty game programming: Yes, a game got to have challenging levels to cross, but this does hold true for how speedily your game users learn to play the game. The game should have an intuitive user interface. If your game offers light entertainment, having an intuitive user interface will go a long way in making your game a commercial hit.

The Android app store flashes games with high rankings on the initial pages. If the game users have to struggle to understand playing your game, it is highly likely that they give up on it and not rate your game good.

OpenXcell Technolabs has its domain expertise in Android game development. The ISO 9001:2008 certified company provides hire Android developer services as well. To know more about the company visit,

Mobile app mania refuses to take off from the users’ mind - Mobile App Development

It has been more than a decade; mobile has shown different colors every time. These days mobile app development companies are facing huge rush of customers, who undeniably investing for their mobile pocket PC.

There was a day when making calls from mobile to other phone was considered to be a sensation amongst people. At this time mobile is not confined to make voice chat and messaging, in fact, now it is a lot more. It comes up with the ability of integrated features. For more applications you might have to shop or you may also download apps online.

Huge demand of application development acted as a boon for the mobile app development companies. Let us concentrate on the options these companies are offering; Domestic Development and Subcontract Development. Domestic development assures experienced developers and reliable work, whereas, Subcontract is a bit risky, but likely to get good results if believed. For that reason price fluctuates respectively. Domestic development needs highly paid resources and has to maintain each phase of the process; they charge high. Whereas, outsourcing company saves time and money both. It is, however, applied on both the services to make sure that whether the developers are well skilled and experienced.

There is a competition in many organizations for mobile app development. They assure you delivering best quality services in minimum span of time. There are plenty of Indian companies deal in mobile app development and also allows you hire a dedicated developer. For the developers I would say that the world of mobile app is running fast day after day with the arrival of new technologies, so it is always essential for a developer to keep himself updated with the current technology. Always identify a company which previously had good record and still has a lot.

Each application has its own nature and developer should understand this, because this gives the reason to choose the suitable platform for the application. To fulfill your business need you may choose from these platforms; Android, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad and Windows mobile, that is, business, education, lifestyle, travel, games, finance and much more. Here I don’t mean that each developer should be well versed with each platform.

The main advantage of such devices is that they avail all the facilities (required in everyday life) in one instrument. People, still not aware with the advantages of having a Smartphone will realize its significance, sooner or later. Well! Investing money and time should always be considered after seeing the services. Finally, you will be the one who decide best suited platform and application for mobile.

OpenXcell Technolabs Pvt Ltd is a professionally committed Mobile app development company for Android, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad apps, etc. Till date we have delivered many apps. To know more, visit:

Android app Developer- A mixture of creativity and technicality

To get a successful Android app developer is somewhat a mixture of creativity and practicality. Let us know the advantages of Android that made developers choose this platform for career.

Android market is hot in full swing and becoming one of the most favorite app development tools amongst the developers. What makes developers choose Android app development as a career? Let us have a peek on some of the reasons;

This open source platform is based on Linux Kernel that promises performance stability and security which helps developers to use most of their time understanding clientele needs. It is very smooth and has fewer chances to crash down, that is the reason why porting of the application becomes hassle free. Its swift facts gathering provide accurate information. Unlike other smart phones Android lets you choose your Hardware.

Development tools are easy to use that fits your budget. Moreover, Android app can be created with the help of professional Android app developer as well as average developer. An average developer may push your money and time in vain. For better results it is good to hire professional developer. Android app developers use Android SDK and Java programming language to build applications. It provides the component re-usability feature such as, Email, SMS, calendar and etc that facilitates developers utilize more time on developing unique and bold features

This app development platform provides useful tools with large variety of libraries to build up creative and unique mobile applications.

Today’s users do not keep patience when it comes to Smart phone; they need user-friendly navigation phone with more ease and less setup. The capable Android app developer will understand this need of the user and make the app in a way which not only has swift motions but core in-built functionality.

Variety of applications such as Game, communication, business, Wi-Fi and GPS enabled apps can be built on this platform. And importantly, applications made on this platform are comparatively less with full ROI, which has gotten better market and it made user choose Android.

Android is a mixture of both creativity and technicality. Those who think building Android app is not a tough task will understand reality sooner or later. And those who think they are creative and having potential to build applications should give a try with Android development tool; their art undoubtedly come to a sparkle.

OpenXcell Technolabs Pvt Ltd is expert in Android app development that avails Android app developers for all kind of Android mobile application in a competitive price. Do visit the site:

Siren lyrics for iPhone app development

Tintinnabulation of iPhone is everywhere. People couldn’t escape by purchasing it. Amazing application and smooth software make this phone a unique handy gadget. Let us read on iPhone app development.

iPhone application development is in huge demand right now. In past 3 years of its launching it has availed 30,000+ applications till date. Reason, it is a great combination of attraction, interest and valuable. It has gotten favorable prospective market for both web app developers and companies. It is an approach of small investment and big earning, which brings drastic increase in database ROI. Through the developer’s viewpoint they no need to be highly technically skilled, even a less knowledge can give best results, but knowledge of iPhone SDK and inner OS architecture is must.

The process of iPhone app development includes both innovative and intellectual thinking with the aurora of deep technical knowledge. To fetch an expert with all the three qualities is an intricate task but not impossible. After all you deserve a masterpiece. The team of iPhone app development starts right from the scratch-crosses each phase from analysis to implementation, testing to quality assurance and presents the swiftest, flexible, and highly integrated application. These are the most important reasons why top companies have chosen iPhone app development as their services.

There is much more to say but it would be difficult to mention more in this single article. In a nutshell, it has everything incorporated in one mobile right from, GPS to CRM, web designing to Advertisement, E-commerce to industry. Apple’s iOS is fully dedicated to the mobile platform which not only supports current but previous versions too. Apple’s own online shop also known as app store has more than 0.2 million iPhone apps to offer. GPS and other navigational apps made logistic system owners relieved. I loved its multi touch screen ability along with virtual keyboard.

As on to the matter of developing app on own is complex, but do not worry, if you have gotten an idea of having an app I would recommend hiring a developer, it will cost little high although. But do not deal cheap, because negotiation will give you nothing but prolonged remorse. If, finally you want to make it on your own-stay aware of the new technologies coming in iPhone app development and keep studying SDK kit and develop your own app.

OpenXcell Technolabs Pvt Ltd, an ISO 9001:2008 Certified company, offers iPhone app development at the bootstrap. We request you to visit our website to know more about the service offerings:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

5 questions you should ask your mobile game developer - Mobile Game Development

Mobile games are a rage these days. Thousands of individuals and companies who are distantly related to the game industry have hopped on to the mobile game bandwagon to make money. If you too decide to cash in on the mobile game fad, your ability to choose your mobile game developer is crucial. The success of your mobile game hugely depends on the way the game characters are designed and modeled and how well the game is coded.
Here are five questions that will help you to pick out the best mobile game developer for your game development.
1. Have you developed mobile games before? An experienced mobile game developer will put his expertise to fine tune your game idea into a commercial mobile game. Know whether he provides services like character designing, 3D animation and terrain optimization as well.
2. Can I see your portfolio please? Look for diversity – in mobile platforms worked on plus the types of games developed. Check whether the developer has worked on game concept like yours. Look for the level of complexities in the game development projects.
3. You have your technical expertise in? Try to find out what is the domain expertise of the developer - is it iOS, android, BlackBerry OS or some other framework. Your best bet would be to find a mobile game developer who has expertise in cross-platform app development. This way you can develop your game for multiple devices at almost half the price.
4. Are you on Elance? Elance and Odesk are some of the most preferred sites to find developers on. If your developer in perspective is on such sites, you can see what his contractors say about his work. You can get true and reliable work rating on varied projects delivered by the developer.
5. Would you help me upload my game on the app store? This is crucial. Each app store has specific guidelines. Violation of which can lead to disqualification of your app. Know whether the developer can upload it to the app store and provide you bug-fixing support after the app is uploaded on the app store.
None the less, it is strongly recommended that you choose to partner a mobile game development company for your pricy mobile game development. They are often more reliable and professional than their freelancing counterpart.
Good luck.
Mobile game developers at OpenXcell have over 3 years of experience and have successfully launched 50+ games on iPhone and android phones. It provides game character creation services as well. To know more about the company visit,

Browse the world at your fingertip with Augmented Reality - Android App Development India

It is well known that Android has made up with the Augmented Reality. Till date it helped finding houses, jobs, restaurant, bars, clubs and lot more with the appropriate information such as address and price by just aiming the device to the spot to search out suitable information. But the interesting talk is yet to come!

Now it is not restricted to your device, it factually helps you sharing the content with your friends too. It gives you knack to share the captured content with your friends including information on said social networking sites.

In addition, it gives the application fleeting look by providing cool interface to the users. Animated icons and 3D models are agreeable this time which makes application come alive.

What else any application needs, easy navigation? The navigation was never so good before. By giving a face-lift to the user interface it offers you four-tab navigation: favorite tab, recent tab, featured tab and setting tab which makes application even swift.

With the help of visual fingerprints of the objects it tells what objects in this physical world are augmented.

The Radar view helps in searching places around you and results with pop-up dots. You only have to hit on one pop-up dot from the given to get view of desired entity with the significant information. Hit the information bar to get more information and long press call realtor to get in touch with the identical person.

Android’s keenness of perception has taken augmented reality to the next level. This branded new generation reality app of Android is available publicly now.

A technique to augment objects in physical world does not give you anticipation but FACT. Now the reality is no more an illusion.

OpenXcell Technolabs is a leading Android application development company. It has an expert team of Android app developer. You can also hire Android app developers of the company. It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. To know more about the company, visit

The secret for a stunning game experience: Game Development using Unity 3D

3D Game Development
Got a nerve-wracking game idea? Get it developed on Unity 3D game engine. Read on to find out why game development using Unity 3D can get your game more downloads.

Here is why game development using Unity 3D is a real gold nugget for game development.

Amazing concept drawing: Unity 3D game engine allows spectacular graphics and awe-inspiring animation. It has truly raised the bar for 3D graphics. Directional lights enable life-like shadow projections. Water effects coupled with high quality sound effects gives gamers an illusion of being real. Brilliant character modeling is sure to leave you speechless. If your game concept has a backdrop of the Egyptian mummies and pyramids, developing it using Unity 3D can give graphics the sheen of gold, creepy shadow of the coffins and flickering flames.

The variety of weaponry you can design using Unity 3D game engine, makes it a perfect match for war games. Worn-out maps, 3D graphics of landmark buildings, cracked land and war-torn territories; you can have it all in your game. Game development using Unity 3D allows for multiple players.

Wrap your shrewd game plot with WOW 3D animation and get people talking about your game. Hire  game developer who is an expert in using the Unity 3D game engine. They can execute your game idea skillfully. Some game development companies also offer assistance in marketing games.

Works on every platform: Games developed using Unity 3D works equally well on Mac, web based browsers, on smartphones like iPhone and Android enabled phones. What’s more? If you get the console licensing, your Unity 3D game will run on Xbox 360 and Playstation3 as well. Develop the game just once and your game reaches to a wider audience. Which eventually translates into higher chances of downloads.

You don’t get this advantage with mobile game development. For smartphones, you need to tweak the coding to make it compatible to another device and often the game doesn’t work well if ported to another device platform.

Your game users can catch up with the game in the office on their smartphone, on their MacBook while on a flight and even at their home on their PS3. Your users have the convenience of playing amazing games anywhere anytime plus the same stunning gaming experience.

OpenXcell Technolabs is a prominent provider of Game development using Unity 3D. The company holds expertise in Character Creation and Modeling as well. To know more about the company visit,

Awesomest games with OpenXcell - Mobile Game Development

Mobile Game Development
Do you have loads of new game ideas coming up in your mind each day? Want to develop your awesome game ideas into real games? You deserve the awesomest game development by OpenXcell. Get the latest and the newest game technology for your game plus a world class team of game developers to work on your game project. They have a team of creative artists who can sculpture ingenious game characters and wonderful texture maps. Design the best in class game scenario for that captivating experience.

With expert character modeling, your game characters get an impactful personality. Animation adds expressiveness to every character and brings the game concept alive. The company utilizes advanced animation framework. They produce spectacular 3D animation. With their expertise in facial animation you get next-to-real expressions for your game characters - Your game protagonist doesn’t look plastic.

Terrain optimization takes care of the minute things that render a life-like feel to your game. The ripples created by jumping of a frog from one lily pad to another or the sand dune in the dessert - every element of the game ought to be intact with the game concept to make up for an awesome experience. You can even animate landmark buildings to make your game users feel that they are really getting the monster off the Big Ben tower.

The crux of the awesomest game lies in keeping the game programming simple. If the game users have to struggle with playing the game or have to go through the lengthy help menu before they could get their hands on the game, it is certainly a big put off. OpenXcell team codes the game smartly such that your game users will not even know when they have mastered playing the game. Your game ideas are safe with the company. Sign a non-disclosure agreement with them, after your game is developed they hand over the game code and graphics to you and the game stays as your copy right.

Their team lives on, breaths in and eats with games. No wonder why the company has developed some of the most downloaded and popular games. They help you to promote your game as well. They carry out search marketing for your game through their sister company. If you require - they tweet for your game, carry out press release submissions and social bookmarking to call attention to the newly launched game.

OpenXcell Technolabs specializes in casual game development and has some of the most amazing mobile game development to its credit. It is headquartered in US and is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. To know more about the company visit,