Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Unity 3d for free-Mobile game development India will boom with a dose of chaos

Android, BB and iPhone development India developers are rejoicing as Unity game engine has gone free for the basic tier of the engine. If you talk about Mobile game development India is definitely one of the most trending destinations which is bagging a lot of game development outsourcing requests these days. Despite this, preferred mobile game development platform such as Unity et. al. remained expensive till date. With a subscription fee of $800 it was not within the reach of everyone. But now with prices slashed many freelancers will be able to build their games on unity3d.

With iPhone development India going strong at the moment, it is an indication that more talent in game development will come out. Coding and game development talent is omnipresent but the hindrance for developers living in developing countries like India has been the hefty subscription charges.

While mobile game development India will flourish as the basal levels now, the development pool will also become chaotic. Free access to the tool will attract inexperienced developers who might not live up to the standards of the professional game development companies. Unity has been around in the market for quite some time now and the developers who are working on the platform have been seasoned with the application of the framework. Hence, while the free version of unity might attract new developers for lower development costs, the quality of the development will remain questionable. On the other hand while professional game development companies might charge higher, development standard of these companies will still be reliable at this moment.
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GR Brains said...

Thanks for Share valuable information

Moodle Development