Thursday, May 9, 2013

iPhone app developers wait for the iPhone 5S

iPhone app development companies now have their anticipations running high. As sharp along with other LCD makers gear up for massive productions of LCD screens rumors are high on the arrival of the cheap iPhone. It has been recently reported that Sharp along with Japan display and LG display has been offered by Apple to produce screens for its iPhone.

Sharp which has remained as one of the largest electronic maker of Japan has been suffering a rough patch with a low demand. Given this situation a massive contract of this nature might put its fortunes back on track. Sharp’s Kameyama LCD plant is most probably be the place where the screens of iPhone 5S will be manufactured.  The plant has a maximum production capacity of 600m units a day but its currently operating at 60% of its total efficiency.

The massive production of screens has also increased the likeliness of the cheap iPhone that is creating a lot of rumors across the world. The cheap iPhone which is supposed to come with a plastic chassis and a smaller screen will target the developing nations competing Apple’s archrival Samsung and other android phones.

In the meantime, the iPhone 5s is supposed to pack in some more utility features that can rope in the interest of iPhone app development companies. One of the major additions includes a fingerprint sensor. If apple provides a fingerprint authentication mechanism then, the iPhone 5s will become the first Smartphone ever to provide substantial biometric authentication.
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