Wednesday, May 1, 2013

iPhone app developer can expect exciting technologies in future

According to Apple insider Apple has registered a number of patents from the USPTO and one of them includes a technology for enabling blinds live a better life. The patent will enable people with vision disability to use an iPhone or other touch screen iOS devices. The news spins in a lot of excitement for iPhone app developers as it produces a whole new possibility to create dedicated apps and make blind people use them.

The patent highlights a non capacitive device most probably a joystick control integrated closely with the UI of the touch screen device. The entire technology is guided by a system of voice over installed in the touch device. As the joy stick is moved by the user, the software installed in the device can suggest parameters to the user though voice. Iterations might end up with 2 or more parameters or the final result. The final result or output may be transferred through voice commands or Braille data.  The accessory devices connected to the touch screen device is stored and analyzed each time it is used by the user. This makes the device more user friendly and relevant with time.

The mobile app development companies are suffering an innovation vacuum at present and this can be a critical announcement for iPhone app developer to look forward to. Not only dedicated apps, but a plethora of existing applications can be fine tuned and made applicable to the visually challenged people using an iPhone.
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