Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chrome and Android app development will be the focus of Google IO. Pichai

Rumors have been high for Google IO as tech bloggers are trying to chew every piece of the event in advance and making predictions about the next Nexus in store. However, Sundar Pichai; holding the helm of both Android and Chrome downplayed the rumors and stated that the IO will be completely aimed towards chrome and android app developers. It is certain that these are the biggest platform and Google is banking huge on both.

The problem of being Open
Pichai has expressed his will to provide equal user satisfaction across each and every android device. He however cited the challenges of an open source operating system while also mentioning the advantages as well. It was clear that Pichai acknowledged the challenge of cross device performance issues of android that often worries the android app development companies. Being mentioned a lot of times, it is certain that Google has laid some serious thoughts on addressing the issue of consistent performance across devices. Sure, it cannot go the Apple way but Google can try and streamline its android development plans to make OEMs adapt to a single version of the OS.

Android app development is one of the most critical jobs available in the entire IT domain. As the size of android user base becomes massive with, the platform becomes more valuable than before. Android plays by user count for sure. Most of the apps are free hence a large audience for ads are exclusive to the android ecosystem. However if Google has acknowledged the challenges of uniform experience, the upcoming Google IO can become an important milestone.
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