Monday, May 13, 2013

Google can break the office dominance of MS

Google IO is just round the corner and hopes are high across a lot of new Google product and upgrades are expected be launched in the meet. In midst of this a war of advertisements between Microsoft and Google has started to take shape. After the Scroogled ad, MS is back at Google docs for its inconsistency in document layout and other features. It must also be taken into notice that android app developer at Google have integrated Google docs in the browser which allows users to easily edit and share files with the help of their mobile devices. While Microsoft office still leads being the best office suite for documents and spreadsheets, Google’s integration of quick office features into Google docs can be worrying for Microsoft in the long run.

Android app development is moving fast and Microsoft is already lagging behind in mobile devices. While MS office dominates the ground, Google’s continuous efforts could provide users with a substantial version of docs that is entirely cloud based and outperforms MS office. In fact at present, while Google docs supports real time content saving, MS’s Skydrive still needs manual saving commands to save your files. Thus in case of a power outage or a long signal drop, it will be much safer to use Google rather than using MS.

With android invading a plethora of communication devices android app development is set to become even more valuable in the future. Given that, Google will be ready to take on MS office with docs with full power.
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