Sunday, May 19, 2013

Android app developers might get rocking with Android Studio

Android has been in the focus this IO and this should not come as a surprise as most of the user computing is getting accumulated into the Smartphone. While android leads in market share, Apple has been dominant with revenues. Apple’s consistency in user experience coupled with a stable app development environment was something that android app developers always craved till date. But not anymore as Android app developers are going have their hands on Android studio very soon.

It solves many issues
The android studio is a critical upgrade for android developers as it promises to bring many lingering issues imperative to android app development. The foremost is the cross device compatibility of the UI elements which is now solved to a great degree as the Android Studio interface will be able to flash varying screen sizes and densities at the same time. This will save a lot of time and would also check errors that happen between screen density and icon size.

The new framework also executes real-time changes in codes and hence saves time that’s spent switching between the API and app interface which is currently under development.

The best thing that came out of Android Studio is its ability to provide beta testing services for android app developer. The apps can be put to test and the entire monitoring can be done from the framework itself. Apart from testing, Google also ensured that the language barrier in applications be thinned and provided translation services in the framework as well. Developers can search for translators and the entire process is controlled from the console itself.
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