Monday, May 20, 2013

Android app development will fly with cloud

With increasing internet speed and progressive nature of internet technologies, major tech companies have set their course to utilize its potential to the maximum. Microsoft and Apple have been working hard toward their respective cloud based services and now Google seems to be upping its ante too. Google has remained a key player providing utility cloud services but it seems that with android, the giant is aiming for a higher stature than anticipated.

After the IO, it has been absolutely clear that Android is one of the major focus of Google at this moment. And if it is android, user based cloud services that are casual in nature will also have to be bundled in. To please its users and keep the momentum of android app development on, Google is coming with Google music that will be served to users on a $10/month subscription service. Google has majorly remained and perceived as a provider of services that are mostly utility based in nature but riding high on the wagon of android and android app development it can capitalize the business of online music streaming and make substantial profits out of it. While Apple has been a key player in this sector Google’s own services is set to challenge the same.

iOS users have been enjoying these services with consistent experience and now as android smells maturity, these cloud based services makes a lot of sense for Google. Climbing up the cloud is the latest the trend which is assured to secure the future of these tech giants.
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