Thursday, May 9, 2013

Android app developers have more devices and more work now!

Android is all over the market. From Smartphone to cameras they have now invaded into portable gaming console and set top box as well. This aggressive expansion of android platform has made android a great platform for android app developer to test their app development skills while monetizing the same. Let’s look at a couple of low price android devices that have appeared in the market.

Ouya gaming console
This mini gaming console can be grabbed for less than $100 and runs on android operating system. The console does not match the depths of a PS or Xbox but costs 20% of what Xbox or PS would cost you. Based on Android it’s obvious that it will support all the android games. But the most interesting part with Ouya is its ability to allow gamers to turn game developers for the console. Yes, users can create their own games and can host it on the Ouya store.

The gaming console is not for die hard gamers but for a small price tag access to the entire android world of games is not a bad deal at all.

G-Box mid night MX2 Set Top Box

This set top box is also powered by android operating system and is equipped with a cortex A9 processor. The set top box supports hardware accelerated playback and can also run services from Amazon and others.  One of the best things of the Gbox MX2 is its availability with a rooted version of android. Thus there is nothing to hack while allowing full developer privilege as well.

Android happens to be one of the most popular opensource software ever built. And with its invasion into other devices too, things look a lot interesting for consumers and android app developers.
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