Friday, May 3, 2013

iOS 7 to get major design overhaul

It has been reported that the iOS 7 will bring a totally new interface to the users which will mark a significant visual differentiation from the previous versions of iOSs. From the inception of the first iPhone, mobile app developers and Apple customers have been enjoying the same minimal UI of iOS and have passively developed an affinity for a design overhaul.

Why the iOS needs a design overhaul?
The reason is android. Android has been able to give a flexible widget clad UI to the users that has advantages over the iOS user interface. Users can easily customize their home screens with the necessary widgets and group similar applications together. Since it is open source, OEMs can also give customization options such as stacking icons etc. which makes the UI enjoyable further. Mobile app developer also cite advantages pertaining to flexibility and make android a better product in look and feel, if not performance and consistency. The rapid developments of android have infact made a few tech commentators brand the iOS as ‘boring’ when compared to android.

iOS 7 may sport a UI with flat graphics and sleek design-
iOS 7 is likely to sport a thin UI with flat graphics that will do away with the real looking 3d icons present in the user interface now. The finalization of the style is based on the idea of creating a design that looks modern and updated. And since Apple has a long history of aesthetically pleasing designs, the iOS 7 interface is undoubtedly going to offer a lot to the users and the iPhone app developer.

Sources said that the iOS7 project was running late than scheduled, however it is now confirmed that the project is right on time.
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