Friday, May 23, 2014

Top 10 Wearable devices available in Market

Fit bit Zip and flex:

Zip helps people understand that physical activities in a normal daily life can be extremely productive to achieve fitness goals. The device tracks your daily walking, sleeping and motivates you to take a few more steps to achieve a fitness goal. The device sees exercise as a continuous process and makes it measurable for the users.

Apart from Zip, Fit Bit also make Flex, a wristband studded with LEDs to track your daily steps, exercise sessions and sleep quality. Flex is more inclined towards fitness enthusiasts while Zip is targeted for every one.

The devices leverage the entire Fit Bit experience through the Fit Bit mobile app for iOS and android

Android Wear+ Motorola Smartwatch:

Android wear is expected to be a major step towards creating an acceptable wearable device on a massive scale. Android wear is based on the idea of cutting down the time users spend on Smartphones, hooked on to the screen. The device looks like a regular round shaped wristwatch that helps you perform numerous tasks with lesser efforts as compared to . It gives back your time for you to spend them with your loved ones.

Google Glass:

A lot has been written about the glass till date. The advantages of glass and its misuse, everything has been thoroughly calculated. While a large bunch of users see them as highly invasive, others are not comfortable with a 24*7 gadget on face. They compare google glass to bluetooth headsets which faced poor adaptability and not much of apparent utility.

Nike+ Fuel Band:

This is another popular health and fitness and has considerable fan following. Just like the Fit Bit flex, the device features an array of LEDs to represent the goals achieved for any specific day or time period. The device is again synced with a mobile app that allows users to monitor their progress with more details.


Pronounced as catch, it is actually a wearable startup that allows you to live stream videos to other devices. The camera is small and can be attached to your garment for hands free recording and the video setting etc can be controlled by the application itself. The application has been developed at Openxcell and is ready to roll out soon.

Sony and Samsung Smart Watches:
There was a lot of interest generated towards Apple when it was rumoured that the company is hiring engineers to build the smartwatch. Although, there has been no signs of an iWatch but market is already fed with android powered watches from samsung and sony. Sony has been trying to create buzz in the market since some time but did not really succeed. The same applies to samsung smart watch that features a camera termed pervasive by many critics.

Swarovski USB Necklace :

A necklace studded with charming crystals while hiding a cool USB in the indise. With a 4gb of memory, the necklace is priced at $75 for the techno lover girls who do not want to miss out on fashion either.

Lark Pro Alarm:
Lark Pro alarm is wakes you up in a non earth shattering way while monitoring your sleep patterns simultaneously. The wristband would first monitor your sleep habits for the first 7 days and then suggest you patterns etc. The device is synced with an iPhone app and can sync data in real time. One can easily monitor their progress through the app UI, making the device highly useful.


Pebble is also in line with android wear and motorola 360. The only difference is the way they approach the same purpose. While pebble flaunts a square design, the moto comes with a natural round case. The pebble watch is supported by Android and iPhone apps and can reduce your smartphone usage time. They have recently launched the steel variants of the watch and will definitely compete the forthcoming moto with an established name and a strong user base.
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FuGenX said...

Thanks for the information about the latest wearable devices.All the devices are very importent and usefull to all.