Thursday, May 22, 2014

How "Android Wear" will impact the wearable technology market

One of the recent blogs from Flurry indicates the rise of mobile app addicts who tap on an app more than 60 times a day. The other strata of users is not lagging behind either. Smartphones have invaded our lives and people have started to recognize it too. A recent video called ‘Look Up’ is currently doing rounds in the web that depicts intrusiveness of smartphone in our lives. But it seems like if any one of the tech biggies has taken it seriously its google and their answer to this seems to be a wearable device from the android team of the company. It called the Android Wear.

Android wear is a round shaped watch that is focused to make your life easy without asking too much attention from your side unlike the smartphone. Google has released the developer preview for the device and has also come out with a video.

According to Gartner the market for wearable devices will become worth 5 billions and it includes many devices from various manufacturers. However, if google is coming out with own device, there got to be something special about it. Till date, whenever we thought about a wearable device, we could not think it without the smartphone. Infact, smartphone makes the best out of a device because it can run an immersive app to control the device.

This is what Google is trying to disrupt with android wear. Apps will be developed exclusively for android wear and the device can intuitively add value to the user’s life. by taking into consideration factors such as location, local time, user behavior etc. Hence, if you have an android device you may let your fingertips rest and avoid your eyes to get hooked onto the smartphone screen.

Based on location, the device can also suggest you nearby locations and lead you to find it efficiently. The device will also prompt you about the latest or an important news/fact about any particular location. Unlike the smartphone, that needs to be taken out of the pocket, the message consumption in android wear will be instantaneous with gesture based swipe and quick voice commands.

If we consider this with the existing, smartphone dependant devices, the android wear comes out at top due to its notable agility. On to it, android OEMs have been inflating the screen size every quarter, making these devices a difficult choice for purposes that demands agility. No one would be comfortable running in the park with a 5 inch phone. It is difficult.

In a market with smartphone dependant wearable devices the android wear can immediately strike beneficial to a lot of users. It will provide an agile alternative to help you manage your daily activities of life which otherwise requires more effort when done through a smartphone, or a smartphone controlled device that requires close vicinity to a smartphone.

Author's Bio: Openxcell technolabs is an experienced company that makes mobile apps for wearable devices. Visit for more details.
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