Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monetization and value through android’s uniqueness

Android might not have many takers from the BYOD gang but it has its own advantages that adds irreplaceable value to its users. Of course, it is the customization we are talking about and its advantages that puts android over iOS in many aspects if not security. There are many takers for that and twitter seems to be one of them. Recently, the company has acquired the  popular launcher app called cover. Both Cover and Twitter give credit to the openness of android and the association can be highly beneficial for Twitter.


What is cover?

Android app development experts have been enthusiastic about launcher apps after the first home app launched by facebook. Cover is an extension of that experience put forth in a favorable and non interruptive manner unlike Facebook home. The application groups your apps in accordance to your daily routine. So when you go out at work, you have all the office, mail and other important apps on your screen while when you come back home, pandora, netflix etc. are already on to have you entertained. The app considers many variables to determine your location and activity you are involved in. In other words, the app knows where you are and what you are doing.

Importance for Twitter

Android app development company India believes that Twitter could have a lot of advantages from the acquisition. Twitter can be always aware of your location and daily activities and this creates huge monetization potential for the platform. Twitter can send socially driven and group oriented ad suggestions and can also send push notifications.Apart from that android app development experts suggest that launchers are a great way to create lock screen apps and twitter can very well do that with cover.

Android app development India experts are seeing a number of opportunities in the platform for monetization. Despite being a second choice to iOS in many aspects, there are unique opportunities provided by the ecosystem for substantial monetization.
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