Thursday, April 24, 2014

How mobile and apps have transformed the way of business?

Consistent evolution is the key to a successful business, and it is must for every enterprise to consider their growth closely in regard with the latest trends and technology around the world. It is certainly every entrepreneurs utmost aim to be where their potential audience is. And today, we need not mention that an enormous mass is heading towards mobile apps and mobile commerce in order to suffice their savviness for mobile technology.

The latest juncture is that, social media is taking over televisions and most importantly the smart phones and tablets are all you need to accomplish any sort of tasks on the spur of the moment. Indeed, the digital transformation has already taken place and now it is time for the enterprises to streamline operations, drive increased productivity, and enhance their customer experience by incorporating mobile technology into their business.

The potential enterprises who haven’t yet and are willing to incorporate mobile technology into their business, need to closely pay attention to some insightful facts and also to how the audience have been more precisely interacting and responding to various businesses with the help of smartphones and tablets. Yes, the change is revolutionary and eyeopening.
  • The mobile usage statistics acquired recently by conducting analysis show that users are accessing apps 87 percent of the time they are on a mobile device; this means they are spending only 13 percent of their time on the World Wide Web.

  • According to Simon Khalaf, the CEO of Flurry, Internet technology has triggered the most rapid and remarkable disruption of conventional business practice since the Industrial Revolution. Fueled by social media, cheaper data, improved telecommunications infrastructure and the rise of mobile technology, the global economic landscape is growing and changing in ways never before seen.

  • Previously, the mass would have to greet piled up emails, which are now being instantly checked and responded in two to twelve hours.

  • Social networks are now full-fledgedly taking their own course to help businesses grow. It is the prime place where your business has the maximum chances of going viral and creating the greatest buzz.

  • The availability of mobile apps almost for free of cost is driving more and more people to try novel apps from different platforms.

  • The lowered technology costs are driving more people to grab a smartphone and experience the unmatched user experience.

The front runners’ take on How mobile transforms the enterprise?
  • John Jeremiah, the senior product marketing manager of HP quoted, “No vendor can take for granted their place in the New Style of IT, it has to be earned. Traditional vendors have to re-think themselves, new products, new partners with new solutions.”

  • Some striking thoughts shared on Why enterprises should love mobile by a panel that comprised of Moderators, Marketing Managers and Directors from companies like eWEEk, HP, IBM and more.

  • The value of a multi-disciplinary approach in realising and enabling innovation through mobile

  • Digital innovation at the centre of new business development

  • Fostering an environment of innovation allows businesses to thrive and creates positive impact in all areas

How can you implement mobile into your business?

Step 1- Create an effective online presence with a virtual brochure, a dedicated website of your product or brand. It holds more value than paper version, low- cost and easy to update.

Step 2- Tweak the best part of your brand or product and transform it in the form of an app. Your goal should be to make it valuable by all means; something that compels the audience to come back to it at regular intervals.

Step 3- Now, study your business process, evolve and optimize accordingly.

Step 4- You can also consider mobile first wherein you serve a responsive website to your target audience. Making a responsive website becomes a must if mobile app development is not your priority.
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