Friday, April 4, 2014

An iPhone for everyone?

iPhone app developers can be up for another surprise this year. It is because Apple can release their next iteration of iPhone with 4.7 and 5.5 inch screens. Apple had earlier stressed on the experience part and said that big screens does not make a phone greater. However some recent leaks has confirmed that the new iPhone might be launched in 2 versions that would vary in their screen sizes, the bigger being 5.5 inches. So where does the company going? Has it also started believing that getting bigger is the only way to evolve?

A mobile device:

You might have come across this weird scene of runners running with huge galaxy devices held in their hands. iPhone users never reached there. However, with this news breaking, it is obvious that iPhones might not remain as mobile as it is till date. Carrying anything in your pocket which is bigger than 4.5 inches is difficult. If the next iPhone is this big, then it is surely going to loose customers who use it as a mobile device for fitness purposes. For an iPhone app development company that make such apps, it will be difficult. A 5.5 inch screen kills the mobility factor of a smartphone.

A segregated market:

Apple might also be looking forward towards creating an iPhone for each and every user. Already, we have 4 variants of the iPhone today. The only thing that the iPhone lacks is the massive screen size that android OEMs are offering. from 3.5 to 5.5 inches, the iPhone will be available in many forms for everyone to make a choice. One who wants a massive screen might buy the biggest one while few might feel that the iPhone 5 is the perfect one. Based on income demography iPhone has always targeted the richest and hence price will not really matter. Those users would buy an iPhone if they so want.

A lot has been talked about smartphone screens getting bigger. While opinions are segregated over the choice, it seems there is a high probability that Apple is setting up more product depth for its prospective customers iPhone for everyone to make a choice.
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