Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Top 4 Mobile Security Issues and Ways to Get Rid of Them

According to Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), 96% of 36000 apps failed to pass all the 10 security checks. Three years ago, HPE studies reported that 97% of 2000 apps held insecure private information. This is seriously a big deal as mobile usage is growing at a fast pace. Or I say it has already grown and continue to reach the place out of our imagination. But what about securities?
Looking at the increasing reliance of users on mobiles for everything they do, like from calling a taxi to do online shopping, security is needed to put at the centre and should be given equal importance like app development. That’s why App makers are paying close attention to it. App developers are no more interested in restricting their abilities to app development, they are trying hard to get over most common mobile securities from which users afraid of.
Let’s have a visit on most common security vulnerabilities and possible solutions discovered by app developers:
1. Weak Authentication
This one is too common. Most of times I heard of news titled, “Someone broke into my account information saved with mobile device and transferred all my money.” This is call weak authentication. Those passwords are not too strong to break for hackers.
Solution: Big Data
Big data about user behaviour and device usage will help you build strong walls. The idea works like: with user behaviour information and device usage, you can build a profile of user depicting their usual activities. Any malicious activity will go far than general users’ action giving you a hint of someone’s illegal entrance. You can take necessary steps to alert the users or to prevent the one trying to break the security walls.
2. Data Leakage
It comes after weak authentication. Anyone, who can decode passwords, has access to all your data and to your bank accounts as well.
Solution: An Eye on Stored Data
App developers have to keep a keen eye on how your data is stored. How one can get access to it. If developers build a strong barrier (like finger touch) between data storage and access that can only be break by you not by anyone else, this would work well.
3. “Man in the Middle” Attack
The most precious time when one can get all your details including your ids, account numbers, and passwords is the time when you are performing actions. For e.g. you are done with online shopping and you are going to pay through debit card or credit card details. As soon as you enter the details for payment, the hacker will get access to what you are doing and how. This is called “Man in the Middle” attack.
Solution: TLS & SSL
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) – are called cryptographic protocols designed to secure all information taking place in between transactions.
4. Code Modfication
If hackers fail to break all your security gates, they still have one proven way to enter in the system i.e. through code modification. They will modify the app code and get keys to all your security locks. Or maybe they remove the security locks by some code modification.
Solution: Detection
Debugger Detection and Code Modification detection will help you find out if someone will try to change code within your app.
All the solutions given here are based on finding out the hacker and stop it to get further access. However, developers are looking for actions that work with their own when someone tries of get into the system as no developer will be available at any time to stop the hackers. For now, they are working on these securities, but they are also hunting for best solutions.
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