Saturday, June 22, 2013

Both Vine and Instagram will survive

The domain for video sharing apps is getting competitive with instagram also launched its video capturing app. Dominated by vine till date, instagram videos might slow down the growth of Vine for the time being. But exciting and creative user videos are not something that can be obtained from the general Smartphone user. The segment is a niche occupied by a group of exclusive users who are creative and their efforts will definatly help Vine becoming a valuable application in the future. So, what does the future hold for both of these companies? Should mobile app developer plunge into the app category of videos?

Instavideo vs. Vine
Instagram rose to success with user generated data that needed little efforts to from the end user to create and mobile app developers at instagram have applied the same logic behind videos as well. The video clip in instagram is 15sec long and does not loop like the ones captured with Vine. It implies that instagram videos will have a beginning and an end. Thus unlike the creative bunch glued to Vine, instagram looks more like a video sharing tool for the general users out there. The application is also featuring video filters that are similar to the ones available for photos.

On the other hand mobile app developers at Vine are focusing on a niche class of users who can create valuable video content that has potential to go viral over the web. The looping function of vine is a great boon and a 6sec limit on length demands the best from its users.

Till date video apps were destined to end up as failures but with new ways to entice and engage the users, video apps will emerge as a significant category.
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