Friday, June 28, 2013

With diminishing lines between tablets, phablets and phones, Android app developers rejoice

Voice calls are increasingly becoming vestigial to today’s communication protocols. There are tonnes of apps to communicate more effectively than communicating with voice calls. This has made the smartphones more internet oriented and people need more screen space to operate their devices. In midst of this, the demarcation between phone and phablets are growing thin day by day. While some might find it annoying, the market has moved towards bigger screens and there is specificity where lines will be drawn and standardization norms would be laid. However, Android app developer on the other hand are happy and expect greener pastures for the future.

The diminishing lines between a phablet, phone and a tablet
Considering the Xperia ZU that is launched by Sony a few days ago; there is a clear indication from the Android OEMs that they are eying to push the boundaries for screen sizes further. While they are still away from meeting the 9.5 inch screen of the iPad, things do not really feel small in a 6.4 inch screen as well. Infact a few users might also opine that the ZU balances perfectly between mobile comfort and screen size packaging the fastest performance underneath its hood. Yes it’s the most powerful out there now. Even Samsung has also launched its mega series of Tabs and HTC will be following soon.

Android app developers rejoice
Android app developers have been very happy lately. The reason is a great android studio which has stood out as a great app development framework and secondly, the ever increasing screen sizes and computing power of android devices. Infact a few android app developers fantasize forming a chunk of market that is powered by these monster devices which people can often carry along with them. This way not only their apps will be accessed often, the powerful processors of these device could make them stretch their arms often.
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