Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mobile app developers face a necessary evil of freemium model with networking and comm. Apps

Whatsapp has always advocated an ad free business model and has refrained from advertisement and in-app purchases. However mobile app developers at Whatsapp are seem to be moving towards a subscription based model in iOS as well thus equating it with Android, Blackberry and other platforms. A paid app based model for Whatsapp seemed difficult from the beginning itself. While the tech giants are in line to acquire Whatsapp, what are the future implications for the application?

iPhone app development argue that paid apps do good in the iOS ecosystem, iOS users are willing to spend on quality apps and do not hesitate to adapt new applications. However, the problem here is not only the quality of the app. Neither the outlook of avoiding an ad based model. The challenge here is generalist nature of the app. Mobile app developers who have developed communication and networking apps stumble upon the necessary evil of releasing the app for free. Especially, android app development experts say that it’s chronic to them. If it is a communication app, it has to be given for free or else how to you gain a critical mass of users.

Apps that are driven by numbers have always remained as a difficult bet for mobile app developers to sell. Competitive apps based on freemium model spring up soon and distort the market and identity of the original app within no time. Hence isn’t wise to go for an ad based model with in app purchases to keep the revenue wheel moving?
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