Friday, July 26, 2013

The Mobile App Development and store optimization (ASO) : An opportunity knocking on the door

As the Mobile app development flourishes in today’s digital App economy, App store optimization (ASO), the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app in an app store is all set to take the centre stage. While the Pareto’s principle of 80-20 is hugely witnessed in the apposphere wherein 20% of the apps contribute to 80% of the revenue, the pursuit to get one’s app discovered is one of the biggest issues and a major cause of concern.  Thus in sync with the Domino effect, the app must rank higher in the app store’s search result to become more visible to the potential customer and thus translate into more traffic to the apps page in the app store.

Search in the app store is the most used method for choosing an app in the app store, be it the more popular Google Play for Android or iTunes for apple, and thus herein lays the great potential for the  mobile application development that must be tapped into to fully convert maximum conversions. App store optimization as a process demands that the Mobile App developer takes time to understand, Iterate and tests the result to constantly improvise. Thus the ASO can be broadly broken into three distinct parts:

Finding the right keywords:
The title of the mobile app must include such keywords that are capable of attracting the highest search traffic. This helps ranking highly as apart from owning a share of the prospects mind.

Ranking highly for those keywords:
While freemium model in app command a higher popularity and rank higher in search, Apart from the number of downloads, Rating and rankings are major factors that push the rankings of apps higher. Similarly the aesthetic level of apps by way of App description and screenshots increase conversion.

Converting visitors into users: 
By using simple tools that enable engaging the customer through ratings or feedbacks or tell stories about their experience with the app thereby initiate dialogue with the customer using social platforms as Facebook, Twitter that in turn become a big influencing factor given the power of word of mouth marketing.

As lucrative as it may sound, ASO is a steady process that takes a considerable amount of time.  As per a research by, One of the leading company that re-imagines how people discover apps, it found that majority of users have no real concept of how to search for apps and no idea about the vast supply of great apps out there. While the Mobile App developers can utilize keyword  tool from such leading companies as, Flurry, MobiledevHQ, Searchman and,  For the front end consumer,  Android and Apple in themselves have attractive features, For instance, Apple’s iTunes introduced in itunes8 Genius as an artificial intelligent search engine to help users find their desired  kind of music or application. A precursor of many new ground-breaking practices to emerge in future that can be recapitulated deeply in the process of ASO.

Thus as the number of apps continuously increase with growth in mobile app development and App Store Optimization (ASO), The process of optimizing your app store listing so that apps are more easily searchable is set to gain a quantum leap and re-invent the future to fully utilize the digital scenario for a win-win situation for both the consumer and the developer.
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