Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mobile app development India sees streaming content going integral to apps

The next big thing that is taking shape at this moment is the area of streaming content and videos. Yes, it has been a long wait till date but with each passing day, streaming content is inching closer to our personal multimedia devices. Google’s Chromecast is yet another effort to bring streaming content closer to the users. The device is a small dongle with which the user can easily flash content on to the HDTV. A large sect of Mobile app development India believes that this can replace other secondary devices that must be connected to TVs for accessing streaming/satellite content. Since Google is also contemplating chromecast in an embedded form, it can bring massive changes in ways we consume streaming content.

The speed of internet

Speed of internet has been growing and it has easily reached a point where streaming content is not an issue anymore. Mobile application development India also validate this point as they are increasingly seeing more and more web based features in the applications. Increasing speed of the internet will definitely influence the ease of streaming content. Video content is already streamlining into the internet and meeting its ultimate destination of HDTVs. With technologies such as chromecast and its futuristic vision to come embedded in devices; it will only catalyze the market of mobile streaming content. 

Only your mobile device and nothing else

Chromecast has been promoted with its own developer API which mobile app development India experts can parcel it with their apps. Just like Airplay, Chormecast option will feature in the app or in a mobile browser and users can easily stream content in their HDTV using their in-house wireless connection. This reduces the effort of users to stream multimedia content or go for special services. One of the major effects that chromecast might inflict is to stop app development for smart TVs. Everything will accumulate in the mobile including streaming media.

Mobile app development India experts are all open to see the future unfold in the field of streaming and compliment their apps with chromecast.
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