Friday, June 28, 2013

With diminishing lines between tablets, phablets and phones, Android app developers rejoice

Voice calls are increasingly becoming vestigial to today’s communication protocols. There are tonnes of apps to communicate more effectively than communicating with voice calls. This has made the smartphones more internet oriented and people need more screen space to operate their devices. In midst of this, the demarcation between phone and phablets are growing thin day by day. While some might find it annoying, the market has moved towards bigger screens and there is specificity where lines will be drawn and standardization norms would be laid. However, Android app developer on the other hand are happy and expect greener pastures for the future.

The diminishing lines between a phablet, phone and a tablet
Considering the Xperia ZU that is launched by Sony a few days ago; there is a clear indication from the Android OEMs that they are eying to push the boundaries for screen sizes further. While they are still away from meeting the 9.5 inch screen of the iPad, things do not really feel small in a 6.4 inch screen as well. Infact a few users might also opine that the ZU balances perfectly between mobile comfort and screen size packaging the fastest performance underneath its hood. Yes it’s the most powerful out there now. Even Samsung has also launched its mega series of Tabs and HTC will be following soon.

Android app developers rejoice
Android app developers have been very happy lately. The reason is a great android studio which has stood out as a great app development framework and secondly, the ever increasing screen sizes and computing power of android devices. Infact a few android app developers fantasize forming a chunk of market that is powered by these monster devices which people can often carry along with them. This way not only their apps will be accessed often, the powerful processors of these device could make them stretch their arms often.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

OLED and LCDs are equally advantageous

The Smartphone market is divided into different sections when it comes to using display types.  While Samsung, the leading Smartphone manufacturer uses OLED displays for its high end devices, Apple emphasizes upon LCD displays for its Smartphone and tablets. In fact Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has expressed his opinion about OLED displays and termed them as ‘awful’. While there may be differing opinions upon the advantages of OLED and LCD displays, the advantages of both of them are conditional. There are specific areas and advantages of using AMOLED in Smartphone while LCDs too are advantageous in many ways.

For more details, please visit here:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Enterprise app development has bright prospects in future

Enterprise mobile apps have carved out their own niche in the app stores. Based on leveraging productivity in corporate and institutions, enterprise mobile applications emerge as a potential category of apps that withholds the potential to secure a future for mobile devices of today. Till last year, iPhone app development experts focused majorly on the iPad as it is supposed to be a perfect touch device for enterprise level operations. However, things have started to change and as a lot of Android app development experts have become interested to tap into the enterprise market.

Android Phablets
Android app development companies are developing apps for big screens these days. Most of the phones have gone beyond the 4 inch mark in screen size while the flagships are growing further. Hence, the best android phones loaded with out of box jelly bean have come really close to the iPad mini. With continuous development on same, android devices will become a huge platform for enterprise applications in the coming times. Google has been paying close attention to deliver quality in android and with more multitasking being stuffed into each version of android, android tabs will likely to come neck to neck with the iPad and prove valuable for enterprise level functionalities. Android app development companies are also aware of the fact and are inclined towards creating an entire domain of enterprise apps that can boost the enterprise productivity with handheld devices.

Apple’s bet
Tablets rule the enterprise sector and hence Apple has remained a dominant player in this sector. Given that, iPad and iPhone app development is likely to maintain their dominance in the market. However with a stronger and more integrated ecosystem at the backdrop, Apple might become a choice driven by the niche market. But whatever it be, Apple holds a great potential in the market to remain as the best brand with enterprise experience.

It’s true that a chunk of app income is still generated from game apps however as mobile devices become more complicated with advanced processing and seamless cloud connectivity, enterprise apps will become an important category in the future. Not only they would draw the best app development skills but also, attract a lot of investment in physical infrastructure in the coming times.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Both Vine and Instagram will survive

The domain for video sharing apps is getting competitive with instagram also launched its video capturing app. Dominated by vine till date, instagram videos might slow down the growth of Vine for the time being. But exciting and creative user videos are not something that can be obtained from the general Smartphone user. The segment is a niche occupied by a group of exclusive users who are creative and their efforts will definatly help Vine becoming a valuable application in the future. So, what does the future hold for both of these companies? Should mobile app developer plunge into the app category of videos?

Instavideo vs. Vine
Instagram rose to success with user generated data that needed little efforts to from the end user to create and mobile app developers at instagram have applied the same logic behind videos as well. The video clip in instagram is 15sec long and does not loop like the ones captured with Vine. It implies that instagram videos will have a beginning and an end. Thus unlike the creative bunch glued to Vine, instagram looks more like a video sharing tool for the general users out there. The application is also featuring video filters that are similar to the ones available for photos.

On the other hand mobile app developers at Vine are focusing on a niche class of users who can create valuable video content that has potential to go viral over the web. The looping function of vine is a great boon and a 6sec limit on length demands the best from its users.

Till date video apps were destined to end up as failures but with new ways to entice and engage the users, video apps will emerge as a significant category.

Friday, June 21, 2013

From 3.5inches to 4.5inches and now 5+, the chaos in standardization

The Smartphone market is under the turbulence of dynamic screen sizes. While Apple maintained a 3.5 incher to be the standard screen size, the perception has changed a lot since then. These days anything near to 4.5 is perceived to the ideal but seems like it is going to change soon. With Sony, Samsung and HTC gearing up for the phablet battle, the perception of standard screen size is yet to change again.

In this race, while Samsung has already entered the market with a 6inch phablet, other entrants are also geared up for a battle. One of them which have been getting a lot of attention from android app developers is the Xperia ZU tablet. Codenamed ‘Togari’, the Xperia ZU features a 6.3 inch screen with features a landscape type UI operation. The phablet is packed with 2.3 ghz snapdragon processor and is bundled with 2gb of RAM. Obviously this is one of the fastest machines out there for android app developer to create high end apps and games. Sony is betting on high end features and a great build quality to make people adapt the ZU.

On the other hand, galaxy mega series has been received with moderate enthusiasm which might make Samsung build another series of even more powerful devices (with even bigger screens as well).

However in midst of this, the pricing of the devices would emerge as the fundamental differentiator to classify the exact segment of the device. Be it something like the mega series, which has modest processing power but a big screen or something like ZU that gives it all.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The progression of the video apps category

The domain of video sharing apps is increasing every day. With more video capturing and sharing apps getting deployed in the app store, videos have surely emerged as one of the upcoming things in mobile application development. Although it might look enticing to developers, the associated challenges of video sharing apps are many. Nonetheless, the opportunities are also there and seems like Instagram is also set to try its luck amongst other video sharing app.

The market
Mobile App Developer have already tried and there have been numerous applications deployed in the app store at this moment. One of the most popular video sharing app called Vine, has successfully registered high download numbers in the app store. It has been the most popular video sharing app till then. The application allows users to capture a video clip of 6 sec (max) and share it across their friends on the app and twitter as well. Following vine, instagram is also said to be working on a video app that would include video filters. Just like the photo sharing app of instagram, the effects would be added manually by the users. Other video sharing apps combine additional features to provide users with some differing usage and remain relevant in the market.

The challenges
Despite being a prospective category, mobile app development experts face a challenge when it comes to creating content in a user driven environment. Unlike pictures, video creation is not a spontaneous process and requires some efforts from users. Moreover, videos are driven mostly by timing which makes it difficult to build useful apps for video sharing.

Despite the challenges, the video content for mobile is going to explode and this ropes in business opportunities for many industries.