Thursday, October 3, 2013

Android app developers need to see android from an exclusive POV

Fragmentation is a necessary evil that is faced by android app developers everyday when they make apps for the platform. Is that so bad to have fragmentation? Many experts from the industry look at the android fragmentation as a challenge for Google that makes the android experience inferior to iOS. Top it up with 3rd party apps created by android app developers and you are multiplying the magnitude of problems. Why tech experts are apprehensive about android’s fragmentation and how did it originate?

Looking through the lens of Apple-
The industry still looks at the iPhone as the standalone device that must be used as a verifying tool for app performance. Call it a practice that generated from the legacy of the iPhone or its consistency, developing the android app after iPhone can only harm the android app. Having said that, android app development companies should understand that, comparing the fragmented android market against the iPhone is not wise. Infact android app developers should dodge that line of thinking and conceptualize their apps by segregating their apps into 3-4 major clusters.

Targeting and segmentation in android-
Android app developers who understand the dynamics of the play store tend to strategically conceptualize and create apps. Revenue generation in android is little tricky and it definitely needs more work than iPhone but it comes with a lot of revenue potential as well.Android app development can target specific segments with respect to hardware configuration, hence income demography as well. If free version apps optimized for these devices are coupled with in app purchases or followed by paid apps then android can easily be utilized for potential revenues.

In addition to it, lesser people are willing to pay for an iOS app now as they were before. More and more people are seeking free apps and that is something which would entice android app developer for future.
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