Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Essential 5 tips on last minute usability testing (testing)

Usability Testing serves as a major phenomenon in the field of Quality Assurance. When your software is about to be launched online or if it already has its presence online, it literally requires to fulfill the requirements of its expected clients or its existing customers respectively; to establish its presence in the market. Every aspect of usability testing is strictly client centric and it makes sure that the features are accurate from the user’s point of view.

Similar to the other tests, Usability Testing requires to be conducted early in the development process, before the launch and post launch, that too on frequent basis. Particularly when the software is undergoing some changes it becomes essential to keep a tab on the alterations and rectify them to assure that they fit in the user friendly criteria.

Mobile App Usability Testing
For instance, Mobile App Usability Testing and mobile app performance testing especially of an iPhone or Android applications is must. The launching moment for the applications can be associated with a do or die situation for any company.  At this very moment the testers have to be sure that the basic as well as major functioning are fixed and hence a last minute testing becomes must and holds a vital place in the entire QA process.Hence, these five tips ensure the efficiency of the software when carried out at the crucial moment before releasing the software.

Create consistent Testing environment: A reliable environment for testing lets the testers conduct the tests at a faster pace of three to four tests in a row which works in the favor of last minute testing. Rather than having to coordinate in-person usability testing, which takes days to plan and conduct, a focus on remote testing comes in handy because it speeds things up considerably.  

Definable Actions: Any application that is new to the user requires being logical and easy on browsing. If the user lands on the application but finds no upright instructions to move ahead then there are chances of them leaving the application promptly or they might just keep wandering uselessly.

Logical Layout: The testers need to ensure at the final moment that the layout of the pages of software is according to the predicted layout during development stage. Before making it live, it becomes vital to place the related links together. Hence, these factors should be sorted out at the moment.

Have best users on your side: To obtain a genuine feedback on your software it is an excellent idea to keep authentic users on your side. These customers in usability testing database are ready to help at a moment’s notice, so the process is quick and painless. By creating a database of the best, easily-accessible users the QA team can cut off lots of time from the testing process.

Togetherness of the team: A last minute testing requires the entire team to come together and make a successful usability testing possible. The team consists of product managers, interface designers and front-end developers. While the testers make necessary changes at the last moment, these professionals can guide them accurately at various stages which consequently increases the efficiency of the usability testing.  
However the area of testing is so vast that there is always a room for improvising the process of Usability testing. Having a successful process in place and knowing how to manipulate it when under pressure becomes the key to grant the customers a better user experience. The QA professionals at Openxcell Technolabs with an immense of experience have unlocked the key and are providing the foremost testing services.
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