Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mobile app development remains strong with touch screens while Blackberry seeks to avoid oblivion!

Around a year ago, mobile app development companies were in a fix when it came to making apps for blackberry. No one was willing to develop blackberry apps as they consumed too much of time and demanded customization across devices. Blackberry downplayed the touch screens and now in the midst of iOS and android race it is in a situation to face oblivion. iPhone app development and android app development experts opine that in an ecosystem driven by apps and touch screen experience, it is extremely difficult to sell BB handsets with physical keyboards. You might be probably thinking about the Z10 but again we have to stress on the idea of an ecosystem which it could not build as it arrive very late to the competition.

So what can Blackberry go from here?

Sell off to some company-

But it’s easier said than getting it done. Many experts say that acquiring blackberry feels like necrophilia. Now that state of mind sounds horrendous. But it is quite normal to think so. There is no utility that one can think out of blackberry devices at this moment. At the same time mobile app developers tend to avoid the BB OS while developing their apps. Infact Microsoft did pass by BB but decided to avoid it. Mobile app developers for windows are already facing a challenging time and bringing in BB will be simply suicidal. There is absolutely no sync at all. While MS is trying hard to master the touch screens and bank on its legacy software, BB hardware and software does not add value to the existing position of MS.

Tone down its workforce and concentrate on niche corporate market-

Thinking from a mobile app development company’s perspective, The central motive for blackberry is to bounce back to profitability. But it’s easier said than done. Blackberry tried its luck with the BB10 but it seems people do not want it. And that’s not all. According to a report published by Gartner, there is a latent encouragement from corporate to follow the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) model. According to Gartner companies which have ditched the BB infrastructure and encouraged their employees to bring their own device, have saved more than $50/month/employee. On the other hand mobile app developers are trying hard to come closer and fill up the voids in corporate computing by developing more enterprise apps.

At this juncture BB can only focus upon the niche corporate segment where its hardware and infrastructure might still be relevant and strategize accordingly.

The hope for Blackberry becoming relevant to the generic consumer is narrow. While the company might bounce back to profitability, the scale of operations will definitely be much smaller.
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