Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The stage is all set for Microsoft to claim back its market

Google has recently made its quick office free for android and iOS users. The announcement does not come as a surprise as Microsoft gets more aggressive towards providing a stable mobile platform to a mass user base. Google’s offering quick office for free can be looked as a preparation for a fight that Microsoft is anticipated to give to Google in the coming times. There are substantial indications that the disruption in touch screens may be over and the winning or losing of OS platforms might come out through some other variables.

Innovation vacuum has set the stage
We are all aware about android’s halted innovations and Samsung’s toppling share prices. Let’s accept there is nothing much going on that can be segregated as innovative in android or android app development. The market has saturated and OEMs are now banking upon their strengths to provide something exciting in their android devices. However, we all know that android has performance issues when we compare it to iOS. Android devices are not really perfect in many things although they do get the job done. Hence a large mass of users that use android has not yet been able to experience the fluidity of something like iOS and might be hungry for something similar.

Legacy strikes back
Unlike a couple of year back when Smartphone wars were really exciting; people generally do not care or have strong opinions these days. The hate or love towards brands and platforms has moved and is now gravitating towards utility and the overall experience. Android developers for hire also suggest that there is a lot of potential in enterprise apps in future but would android be able to create a substantial market for itself is still a matter of question. In midst of this,if Microsoft provides devices that performs more consistently than androids and are also beefed up with its legacy software then things might change for Microsoft.There is a huge hue and cry when it comes to legacy software of Microsoft and optimizing it in accordance to the touch screen of today.

There are challenges for Microsoft if it is planning to break the momentum of android and eat up its market share. But nonetheless, the stage is all set for MS to make a difference. Can they?
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