Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Unity 3d app developer would like the future approach of Unity

Unity has recently introduced a 2d game development engine. Definitely, this not a regressive action going from 3d to 2d but the company has come up with an entire package of Unity 3d services including a cloud platform and a focus towards being a game publishing entity too. Unity 3d has remained as a popular game engine amongst unity 3d app developers and with a wholesome approach and deep strategic thought, it’s surely looking to become a major gaming production powerhouse and a leading cross platform mobile app development tool.

The reliance on cloud

Unity 3d developer will now be able to take advantage of the cloud platform that can host advertisements and cross promotion solutions to a given pool of users. This way unity is poised to become a favorable cross platform app development game development framework that can serve ads and generate revenues for the game publishers. This makes Unity 3d a valuable game development and a single point to make and earn through your games at the same time. Fewer cross platform app development platforms come with this combined feature and this can prove to become a gold mind for unity 3d app developers.

Union become Unity games

Unity is sensing a potential in supporting various unity 3d game developers with game publishing. It already launched a publishing platform called Union last year but did not officially support game makers. However the company has decided to rebrand Union to unity games and support developers in their game making quest. Once a developer in under the unity banner unity will help them to build and distribute the game.

Unity is looking into the future with a calculated approach and after being a successful game development pattern, the current development would only add to advantages.
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