Thursday, September 5, 2013

Is Android app development going beyond Smartphone with 4.4?

Android Kit Kat is out and a lot of speculations and apprehensive forecasts have been made by android app developers to expect out of the platform. As the punch line goes “to make an amazing Android experience available for everybody,” there is a strong indication that android might not limit itself to Smartphone itself. Android app developers are already witnessing the surge in connectivity in other electronic devices and android fits right in the middle of that to join all the missing links that can create a big ecosystem. This is going to be huge for android and a lot of market and specialized development will also open for android app developers and android app development companies.

Android does not want to be the app revenue king
Android has the largest market share at the moment but it lacks in the department of app revenues. It is not that it does not earn but the majority of money goes to Apple’s pocket. Infact android might not be looking towards becoming the big daddy as far as revenues are concerned. Revenues can only surpass the Apple only when android provides consistency and better experience than iOS and with a myriad of devices this is not extremely difficult. However devices such as cameras, gaming consoles, TVs etc. are increasingly craving for better connectivity and richer software while maintaining a level of uniformity to for users to easily share their activities. And this is what Android 4.4 might be all about.

Creating its own niche
Either create the best or differentiate and Google seems to be doing the latter one at the moment. The camera industry is itself of $65b and manufacturers create their own firmware for their devices. If android can create easy sharing and other technical superiority in its ecosystem then there might be a whole new brigade of android cameras in the market. Same goes with gaming consoles and TV services as well. A free and opensource software will always be welcomed by device manufacturers if it can leverage the worth of their devices and create additional revenue potential for them. This way there will be more opportunities for Android app development companies to work upon other devices apart from Smartphone alone. This is a critical differentiation in terms as far as targeting and segmentation are concerned.

Android 4.4 is looking nice and strong against the overall competition in the market. And if it has decided to go beyond Smartphone, then it has all the potential to be successful.
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