Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do MS and NOKIA together make an Android Killer?

The affinity towards hardware is something that every tech giant is trying to get their hands on now. The marriage of hardware with software exemplified by Apple has been understood by other players and they are trying to create a similar platform to build on their business. The acquisition of Nokia devices by Microsoft is yet another proof that it’s not just an operating system or Smartphone people would pay for; it will the experience. So can we assume that this association is a warning bell for Android and android app development India experts?

Android is successful but watch out

Android is undoubtedly the market share king at the moment and riding high on the market segmentation factors. There is an android device for every pocket and that is making android grow in leaps. However whoever has used an iPhone and a top tier android device knows that the experience ranks higher in an iPhone. But a user living in a developing country might not be able to put their hands upon the iPhone as it goes way over their budget. This fact is reflected through the app stores revenues as well. With MS now coming with its own recipe of software and hardware, Android app development India feels that MS has a good chance of standing second to Apple as far as consistency in experience in concerned.

Indications of a universal Android

Industry experts are saying that Kit Kat is going to be a universal platform that would be functional in various other devices apart from Smartphone. This may be a startling fact for android app development India as Google might be looking into other electronic devices to churn money for android. While Google has also tried making its own device without hardware acquisition, it’s not that promising.

This may be a strong indicator that even Google understands the market trends that will prevail in the future and has already started to strategize accordingly.
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