Monday, September 2, 2013

Telematics as the next evolution trend with mobile application development

The rapidly evolving app landscape is poised for an exponential growth with the favorable growth of various web 2.0 technologies like contextual awareness mobility, Location Based Services, HTML 5, Natural Gesture based interface and enterprise apps among others. While Mobile application development has witnessed a meteoric stride powered by the Mobile application developer community’s high learning curve, the industry is yet at its nascent stage, However one specific genre where apps have already begun to initiate seismic shifts is in the automotive industry. Telematics, The integrated use of telecommunications , vehicle monitoring systems , location technology and informatics for application in vehicles and with vehicles on the move promises a highly potential growth area with powerful repercussions in allied sectors, While the navigation apps were the first wave of app proliferation in automotive industry in order to make cars smarter, Many emerging innovative technologies as V2V ( Vehicle to vehicle) & V2X ( vehicle to infrastructure) for vehicular communication deployment, TPEG information system for traffic information system and many more others in Mobile application development are set to transform the automotive industry in near future.

Telematics will play an important part in all of our lives by allowing for much greater interactivity between the driver and the car such that it will be possible to gather data about the driver ands to use this data to make suggestions that are designed to save the driver’s Time, Money or both. The Telematics umbrella covers the entire gamut of services such as GPS navigation, integrated hands free cell phone usage, Wireless safety communication and automatic driving assistance systems. Telematics helps monitor a vehicle combining the global positioning system with on board diagnostics to record and map how fast and where the car is travelling and how it is behaving internally.

As the consumer’s experience from rapidly evolving mobile application development transfers across their lifestyle, the expectation to extend the seamless experience into the car will also rise. Thus brings the emergence of  car apps ecosystem that enhance a safe, in-car experience, One that offers various Telematics services as Internet access, Mobile commerce with App & store content, Built in Wi-Fi , Off Board Navigation, Traffic , weather, POI’s, Vehicle to vehicle communication, Augmented reality and enhanced vehicle Operating Software as Android or others. It also presents a steep learning curve for mobile application developers as they steer the path for mobile application development in the automotive industry.

As the adoption of smart phones and tablets becomes increasingly popular, Widespread, Adaptable, Affordable technologies shall emerge that will  make mobile Telematics easier to develop , introduce and support. With a firm focus to enhance the in-car experience achieved through leveraging the developments in cellular technology, the internet of things and mobile application developments, Telematics has been widely adopted by major industry players in digital and automotive landscape for fruitful results that will be ripen in very near future. While manufacturers like BMW and Ford have lead the way with technology like ConnectedDrive  and SYNC  each of which offer a wide range of intelligent services and apps that provide an absolute in-car infotainment , The trend is now going mainstream with massive inroads in mobile application development ecosystem, For instance the visionary Elon Musk’s Tesla model S has all thanks to Nvidia tegra 3 can deliver over the air updates to its cabin electronics even as it offers a  in-car experience with computing modules performing all the processing for navigation, Media, A hands free phone system and an instrument cluster.

Apart from the automobile industry leaders, Major mobile players as Apple, Google too are spearheading this emerging in car experience wave powered by their huge talent pool of mobile application developers. Apple for instance has announced its own mobile mapping service apart from an agreement with eight OEM’s that range from BMW to GM to Toyota, Honda and Audi to integrate Siri its voice enabled service, Also on cards is a spoken mapping function which will integrate the next iOS7 to offer a free comprehensive Siri as a navigation specialist. Google too tied has up with Hyundai to integrate its Google maps application programming interface API’s  into the US based Hyundai Blue link Telematics platform. Google is passionately gunning for connected cars technology which in itself promises to be the next evolutionary trend. With its resolute vision of the future of transportation, Google has recently acquired WAZE, developer of free mapping and turn-by-turn navigation apps for iOS and Android, Google also made its largest deal ever of $258M with UBER, An app development company that makes iOS and Android Apps which offer on demand service for both taxi and ride-sharing service by requesting a ride and paying via your mobile phone achieved by innovating at the intersection of mobile technology, Car transportation & logistics. Nokia too has announced its plans to enter into Telematics and connected car platform as it sees it as a repository of technology and mobile application development.

Thus going forward the cars will not just be judged based on their performance alone but more so, It will come down to the question as to which car can provide great opportunities for a safe convenient and enhanced driving experience and Telematics mobile application development will be the fundamental core technology that will make it happen. Whereas Telematics has since long been used by formula one teams and high end luxury cars, It is now all set to go mainstream with usages seen in in-car experience, fleet tracking or freight tracking. Mobile Telematics has a wide spread practical applications across industries when coupled with enterprise apps for instance Vehicle tracking, Freight Tracking.

The evolution of Telematics with Mobile application development thus paves way for immense opportunities which mobile application developers can best optimize to in order to further expand the limits of technology.
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