Friday, August 30, 2013

How App store optimization gives Mobile Application development a headstart

The rapidly evolving mobile landscape has ushered a mobile application revolution wherein app marketplace or app store reign supreme as the only unique platform from which all the exciting apps can be accessed. While the process of mobile application development coupled with skills of mobile application developer are instrumental to the creation of an app, The ASO ( App store optimization ) as the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app in an app store ( such as iTunes or Google Play for Android) is a very crucial part of the mobile marketing strategy. App search is closely related to search engine optimization (SEO) and specifically includes the process of ranking an app highly in an app store’s search results, Thereby top the chart rankings which is instrumental in driving more downloads for an app.

Among the various popular app stores like Apple’s iTunes, Google’s Play, Amazon’s App store, Windows app store among others, Apple’s iTunes and Google’s Play are the dominant players. However with a huge numbers of mobile apps flooding each of the store and a continuously growing one at that, It is imperative to work the right optimization steps to climb higher in visibility, page listing and categories. While the present ASO process leans heavily on keyword title search , The search mechanics for app discovery will become more sophisticated. The following are the ASO steps that can give your Apps a head start:

App Title: Ideally keyword usage and Branding in the App title is extremely important.

App Description: The App description is crucial as it’s among the first touchpoint with the customer, It not only explains the prospective user about benefits of app, It encourages the user to download it. While every app category has its own specifics, the first three lines of App description are of utmost important. However the importance of description varies depending upon the app store.

Eye-catching design icon: The click-through rate and install rate due to an eye catching icon makes it a compelling case that demands attention. Icons with rich bright colors and simple beautiful design definitely score brownie points and attract attention.

Downloads and Click-through Rates: The more downloads a mobile App has had and also the number of times an App is opened adds to push higher its search rankings in the app store.

Apple App store has changed its app store ranking algorithm and is emphatically linking user ratings, Engagement and app ranking, Thus delivering a positive app experience achieved only through a stringent mobile application development process has never been more critical.

Going forward, The mobile app economy is poised for an exponential growth with the popularity of enterprise apps and emergence of pathbreaking web 2.0 technologies as visual web, HTML 5, Contextual awareness mobility, natural gesture based user interface and many more.

While the growing mobile ecosystem is taking huge strides in mobile application development with mobile application developers riding the learning curve to constantly bring forth new pathbreaking innovations with each passing day, An effective App store optimization (ASO) is an enabler and gives the mobile app a headstart to tap into the target customer base and convert into a revenue medium by engaging and adding value to the users.
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