Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wearable Computing: A quantum leaps for mobile computing and mobile app development

Wearable computing is poised to guide the next wave in the digital landscape by facilitating a new form of human-computer interaction. Although at its nascent stage, this highly competitive market has attracted all the major players like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and many others already in the fray with Google already ahead of the pack by unveiling its trailblazer innovative Google Glass that is a wearable computer enhanced eyewear with an optical head mounted display, An in-built camera, Speaker and internet connectivity. The wearable technology holds immense opportunities for mobile app development India and other crucial digital hubs of the world and is a great opportunity to leverage the innovative technology to take the business and individual efficiency to the next level by development of apps and software which in turn presents a great learning curve for Indian App Developers.

A whole quantum leaps unlike the transition from PC’s to mobile, Wearable computing device has to know and interact with multiple devices simultaneously at times even complementing the contextual awareness mobile computing that shares a common ecosystem. Presently Wearable computing includes Glasses, Wristband, Wristwatch, chip embedded on the hand, Smart Trousers, Shirts and Shoes. Although still in its initial stages, The smart glasses and smart wrist watches have already built a committed customer base in sports, fitness where stimulating and inspiring technologies featured in activity and health tracking devices such as Jawbone’s UP, Fit bit Flex have a cult like following, apart from the smart watch Pebble which is moving Smartphone feature to wristwatches and still witnesses recorded brisk sales since its launch this year. The App development will immensely complement the meteoric rise of such wearable computing devices as High mounted Display units like Google Glass and smart watch like the expected iwatch from Apple or Galaxy Gear from Samsung as they go mass scale. It presents a huge learning curve to the App developers India and other digital hubs can optimize on by preparing a fertile ground for Indian App developers India for instance with its huge talent pool of best mobile development companies that can tap into the mobile app development of wearable computing.

Wearable computing device provides a complete hands free operation along with complete mobility and computing power anywhere. With immense possibilities across a lot of sectors from healthcare and fitness to education and enterprise, Wearable computing with the right impetus given by the major players as Apple and Google is indeed set for a meteoric rise as per a recent Juniper research report that pegged the expected shipment of wearable devices to 150 million in 2018.
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