Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gesture control is promising opines iPhone app development India

Apple has filed for a new patent and reportedly this is something that we have already seen in movies. Probably one of the most relevant one would be minority report where Tom Cruise operates the entire computer system with hand gestures. If Apple is betting big then who knows, people might be using hand gestures to create objects on the iPad, change colors and various other functions. iPhone app development India experts say that this can be an important and a significant incremental innovation that can trigger a whole new category of applications or might just reinvent ways of doing things.

iPhone app developer India have been associated with the Apple platform have earned substantial revenues till date. The Apple ecosystem has been earning the major share of the profit of all the app purchases and has guaranteed the most consistent performance till date. However the constant decline of market share to android has left the company fight a war with a two pronged attack strategy. The first is to capture a substantial market share so that the Apple ecosystem remains significant. Apple is planning to do it with its cheap iPhone that is supposed to invade the mid range market. Focused particularly on iPhone App Development India the iPhone 5C will create new users thus adding to the net mass of the users for iOS.

The other way Apple is trying to sustain is by rejuvenating its brand and the current patent does exactly that. If iPad can become a device that engineers, designers, illustrators can use to create stuffs with hand gestures. iPad has been already adapted by a lot of fortune 500 companies and Apple’s dependable ecosystem is contributing to this change rapidly. There are a lot of things that are generated from computers and have been done in a very cognitive manner. For example creating an artifact on Photoshop or creating a design in AutoCAD; if gesture control becomes a mainstream way of using tabs then there can be a lot waiting for users and iPhone App Development India at the same time.
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