Tuesday, August 6, 2013

iPhone and android app development awaits Facebook to publish apps

Facebook has been trying to prove as a valuable medium for app discovery and did quite well with its app ads in the news stream for mobile. Last quarter the company has shown revenue of 373 million from the in stream ads but now Facebook seems to be determined to move into something more serious. According to reports it is believed that Facebook is in talks with a number of popular gaming studios and trying to become a significant game publisher. Be it android app development experts or iPhone app development companies, all agree that that app discovery has remained a critical challenge. While popular studios are able to overcome the challenges due to their brand name; smaller studios such as the ones situated in countries like India have not been able to come to limelight.

Publishing in conventional gaming industry has been a proven and tested model and Facebook can do extremely good in becoming a reliable app publishing company for any android or iPhone app development company. In traditional gaming industry the app publisher would take care of each and every aspect of the game that starts from getting it across the market to stores followed by its marketing and distribution for the market.

Here Facebook with its enormous data bank of personal information can do wonders for iPhone and android app development companies that have been struggling in an industry trapped in a power curve comprised of a handful of gaming studios. Facebook can exclusively target the apps to specific users who have relevant profile information.

App discovery has remained as a significant challenge for android and iPhone app development experts and while a few gaming studios lead the market, Facebook’s idea of being an app publisher looks promising for sure. 
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