Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fragmentation and sunny side of android

All thanks to the open source strategy, Android has grown to capture an 80% of the market share. But it’s not all that sunny with android. The idea of going open source has created a huge number of devices. Android app development India experts say that there is a huge task when it comes to testing the app to deduce that the code is working fine or not but the numbers of devices that are floating in the market are huge. Infact start ups that could test your apps across hundred of android devices have started to pop up in the recent times. Android is going to become one of the major platforms in the future and despite the challenges it creates, it needs attention.

Android will rule the same way Microsoft did
Android app development India community says that although android comes with its own challenges, the dominance of the operating system is evident. It has already taken a mammoth market share and going to explore other strata of market. It is like the Microsoft of 90s. It’s free and any one can install their own version without spending a single penny. Even if the platform does not sync well with the corporate; it’s going to be the layman’s favorite.

Android is into other devices
As said android app developer India realize that android is not limited up to Smartphone today. Android is driving various other devices that include TV tuners, video games and cameras as well. It is obvious that Google is going to create tighter interconnections between these devices to strengthen the android ecosystem. These devices will have their own configurations creating their own set of advantages and challenges at the same time.

Android has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 15-20 months and is posed to play an important role as one of the most preferable mobile OS in the future. There may be an innate challenge of fragmentation but it ultimately leads to differentiation and specialization. The future looks promising for android.
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