Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rise of visual web in Android application development India and world

The mobile app landscape has recently witnessed a huge transformation as the web 2.0 technologies in congruence with rapid spread of smart phones and tablets have brought a sea change. The digital ecosystem has taken huge strides in Android application development India and other significant digital hubs which with their immense talent pool have been instrumental in being the power behind the force. As Google with its Android OS has been at the fore-front of this digital wave, The steep learning curve for Android Application Developers India and other major software epicenters has been huge and brought about an emergence of various innovative web 2.0 technologies as the visual web.

Visual web is predicted to steer the next wave of web 3.0 which is all about personalization of the internet. Although many recent mobile applications like the Trip advisor, FlipBoard, Polyvore or the recently launched Nara application for iOS from Nara, A mass based recommendation service that aims to create a fully personalized web for its users, widely utilize visual web to create a more personalized and relevant user experience. The phenomena and emergence of visual web is best showcased through some of the hottest mobile application presently reigning the mobile economy such as Instagram, Vine, Twitter, Pinterest, apart from the ubiquitous social media channels like the facebook, YouTube, Tumblr and Google+ .These replication of visual social network offer marketers an abundance of options to reach the customers and engage them on a more holistic level.

The whole paradigm shift requires the digital marketers to not only speak the language of the customer by producing more text based quality content and ever so more by complementing it with relevant and quality visual web media. As the web shifts more towards a visual online experience complemented by the online video platform and contextual awareness mobility, There stand exciting times ahead for the various mobile platforms such as Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, Microsoft’s windows and many others to explore the immense opportunities. Among them as Android which has been the game changer has a lot more going for it and must therefore go forth to add force to Android Application Development India and China as they have been the force behind the huge momentum given their huge talent pool of Android application developers India presents a huge opportunity, force and enabler.

The rapid adoption of tablet has further added an impetus to the consumption of visual web too, While the visual web is growing rapidly and continues to expand driven by visually stunning and image filled mobile apps, There are numerous opportunities on the horizon in the sphere of Android application development India and other digital hubs can capitalize on by providing a breeding ground to their Android application developers and thus contribute to the emerging trend.

Thus gradually as web 2.0 characteristics of collaboration and engagement between the users merges with the rapid innovative technologies such as visual web, Exciting media platforms emerge that range from apps like Vine, MixBit, Instagram among others to the social networking communities like Facebook, 500px a photo community that lets you discover, Share, Buy and sell inspiring photographs or Jux a social network to showcase stories through visual medium of photos or videos. Add to it the rapidly transforming mobile app landscape due to Android application development and the path is paved for web 3.0 to optimize the web 2.0 experience.
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