Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How mobile app development is bridging the gap between online and offline shopping

In the ever evolving and dynamically changing retail world, Mobile App development Technology has blurred the lines between online and offline world to make retail available anytime, anywhere. Given the rapid proliferation of smart phones and adoption of tablets, the spurt in the mobile App economy across the evolving digital landscape has also boosted the cross channel shopping behavior.  The consumers are thus introduced to a more engaging and value adding shopping experience.

The fact remains that the face-to face personal interaction between the consumer and the shopkeeper cannot be completely dwarfed by the speed and ease of use of online and mobile technologies. However it is highly crucial for retail enterprises to build a strong pervasive digital presence through mobile app development and also pursue an effective multichannel strategy so as to tap customers across the demography. As online shopping becomes ubiquitous, the approach towards offline shopping too has altered. New concepts like Showrooming have emerged wherein Consumers while shopping in the offline store easily step into the online world to check for better prices and offers. Not only that, Recent reports also suggest that costumers also show a marked increase in being guided by consumer’s reviews. The web 2.0 technologies with their essence of collaboration thus if used effectively can complement and mutually coexist for a great retail experience for the consumer by leveraging the two. This is where new age mobile app tools like Nomi steers the retail digital wave.

Apart from the retail store’s in-house mobile apps, Web 2.0 technologies empowered apps as photo apps like Instagram, Vimeo, QR code to the recent Glashion app for Google glass perfectly bring an intersection of fashion and technology than ever before. Glashion App for Google Glass for instance provides a way for Google Glass wearer and users to buy fashion items that they spot on the go.  While apps can indeed bridge online and offline shopping behavior, still more innovative web 2.0 technologies can pave the way for a more engaging and value addition experience. Many new shopping apps have further boosted the mobile application development and the role of mobile app developer in the retail’s digital evolution. Apps like Amazon Price Check, allows one to simply scan an item’s barcode and see Amazon’s price for that item. Another App by the name Fancy brings across shopping as an entertainment to your mobile by allowing you to discover, Collect and buy from a crowd curated catalog of amazing goods, wonderful places, and great stores. Part store, magazine, and wishlist, It helps you share your discoveries with all your friends. The Snapette App, Voted as the leading iOS shopping app for finding designer fashion shoes, handbags & accessories is a location based shopping mobile application that acts as a digital resource. Not just mobiles, Even tablets are wielding a great power in the digital retail landscape, as is demonstrated by the  tablet plugin  Shoppad that takes advantage of all things that make tablet so special and creates  a rich tablet-optimized experience for the shoppers.

Moreover as various wearable technology device like Samsung Galaxy Gear watch, Google Glass, Nike Fuel band or the Nissan Nismo gain a wide acceptance, the congruence of web 2.0 technologies, Retail and the Mobile App Development pave the path to bridge online and offline retail.
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