Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The acquisition of Nokia devices is good for Windows phone app development experts

With Microsoft going to acquire Nokia Devices and patents, there are a lot of raised eyebrows at the moment. But the deepened association of Microsoft with Nokia is no kindergarten story. Mobile app development companies are now expecting a tighter integration of the Windows mobile OS into the devices and hence better performance from Microsoft-Nokia devices. All these years windows has not been able to acquire much of the market share and this has caused the company to search for position it enjoys in the PC market.

Why the acquisition of devices and patents is justified
The acquisition of the Nokia devices and patents by Microsoft makes perfect sense. To make a personalized and competitive ecosystem compared to Apple, Microsoft needs to have full control for over the hardware of the devices and only then can it match or even surpass the experience of iOS devices. Windows phone app development companies and various experts have praised the Windows OS and it really does a good job on numerous aspects.

On the other hand the dominance of android in the open source space is too hard to compete. Android may be making lesser money than Apple from app store revenues but the market share stats of Android is overwhelming and cannot be overtaken. Hence android is not the competition. If Microsoft is targeting Apple’s market share then it’s not at all a bad bet but MS would need to work on a number of areas.

Can Microsoft bounce back to attain a sizable market share?
Microsoft can but it needs to come out with innovations that could compliment its biggest asset of legacy software on mobile. Windows phone app development believe that something which may be a new or inventive way of typing and using other creative tools on the mobile could create substantial market for the mobile devices powered by windows. MS would need to work towards these or might even have to peruse companies to make apps for windows platform.

The acquisition might not look lucrative at the moment but speculations remain. Hopefully Microsoft would be able to take this into something much larger and emerge as a significant player in the market.
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