Friday, December 6, 2013

Is Samsung thinking to replace Android with Tizen?
Samsung has remained as the biggest player in the android ecosystem and has sold more smartphones than Apple making android app development valuable . But despite that Apple’s own ecosystem has been able to put a large pile of money directly into its pocket and that is something samsung has always wished it had too. The company made an attempt during the initial stages of the touch phone era but failed with BADA. Now it is again contemplating in the same line and planning a brand new operating system called Tizen. Tizen is a joint venture that includes many companies but samsung is the one that has funded and leading the steering committee. So where does Tizen goes? Can it become another successful operating system?

The answer is obviously, NO. Everybody knows that the touch screen operating system is already saturated. Even if we consider windows phone OS that entered late into the market is still struggling to attract a considerable userbase as compared to iOS and Android. One of the basic principles with software is adaptation. iOS and android has been able to do that concentrating upon differing strata and demographics. But at the same time, windows could not offer anything special as compared to android and iPhone. While tech experts liked lumia devices for its superior hardware and fluid UI, its limited success says it is not easy for a user to leave an ecosystem and join another when the perceived benefits are not not apparent. People will not simply change their ecosystem for rotating tiles.

Yes it is agreed that windows might have better security and enterprise features but then in a world where casual smartphone still dominates, the perceived value of these offered features and services have not been able to win many users. If samsung comes out with tizen will it be able to dodge these circumstances and offer something unique? Will it be able to converge the huge tema of android app development experts towards tizen? Is it more about the enterprise based mobile operating system that the market has not yet seen? If not it better come out with something substantial that can differentiate its platform from android and iOS which have undergone a lot of evolution and hence the most stable too.
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