Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Will apple's new mobile wallet passbook jolt other mobile wallets

The digital wallet war is all around the tech industry and everyone has been putting their bet on digital currency transaction. There are various ways one can transact through digital wallets but a quick comparison would reveal that Apple’s passbook steals the show here. Apple and google stand as the heavyweight in the digital transaction space but Apple has various advantages when it comes to Passbook.

Unlike relying on NFC, Passbook lets you use your passes based on location based services. Google’s wallet is suffering with this huge drawback that does not allow users to go beyond the NFC technology. Most of the stores or places where wallet can be used does not have the supporting infrastructure to carry on with the transactions. The NFC technology has kept many innovations on halt when it comes to the smartphone manufacturers too. The technology is revolutionary but has remained broken till now. There has been a lot written about the dormant development on NFC and there is not much happening in there right now. Although mobile app developers are very keen to utilize this feature in the coming times, it has remained broken till date.

On the other hand Apple’s Passbook relies simply on the location of the user. It requires a lot less of an effort to transact through passbook. Unlike NFC, passbook relies on geo location based services and provides suggestions to the user. For example, if a user is passing by a starbucks outlet, their geolocation would alert the application to provide them with a notification. The user can immediately decide to visit the coffee shop and buy stuff with Passbook. This looks more natural than the way NFC devices work. The application also allows user to redeem the passes without unlocking the screen.

Digital transaction is really posed as a potential segment that would see a lot of investment in the coming times. It will be interesting to see whether the industry goes the apple way as and accepts Passbook’s way of working as a standardised norm or comes up with something better.
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