Friday, March 14, 2014

How to decide between a responsive website or a native mobile app?

Choosing between making a native mobile app and a responsive mobile website is difficult. To arrive at the right decision, the only thing that can guide you is your requirement. There are pros and cons associated with both of them but your business requirements and budget will help you make the right choice. to make a mobile app?

1. When you are a renowned brand and people know you.

2. When your think your are going to attract regular usage for your app.

3. You want to make something interactive or building a game app. The assets better be stored in the device for faster code execution.

4. When you plan to employ the device’s hardware such as camera, voice recorder etc then mobile apps make sense.

5. If you are looking to provide offline browsing for your target users, apps are the way to go.

6. Apps with graphic intensive operations.

When to make a mobile website or go for responsive web page design?

Your mobile app development company must consider going for a mobile website when

1. You do not have much of brand recognition in the market.

2. Your need to serve the data at the fastest and most efficient manner. Unlike apps, mobile websites need not be optimized for all devices. The usage of CSS3 makes them fit across a large number of display resolutions.

3. You need cost effective development. Mobile websites are deployed once and can be accessed irrespective of the device configuration. This brings down development costs, that would have been spent on making an app otherwise.

4. You need SEO benefits (as you do not have a strong brand name). Mobile websites come with all the SEO features in the backend and catalyses search engine rankings.

5. It is best suited for corporate websites for displaying information across a large number of devices.

6. Mobile websites are also best for entities that need high immediacy, such as news websites.  If you have a mobile website, you have better chances to be visible on SEPRs when you publish breaking news etc. Apps do not give you that flexibility.

These are some of the general conditions that can help you make the right decision when choosing between responsive web page design and a native app. If you are still confused you can consult an experienced mobile app development company.
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