Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Common ways to build revenues through in app display ads

There are numerous ways you can earn money through hosting advertisements in your mobile application. One of the fundamental tradeoff that comes with in app advertisements is between earnings and user experience. However, if placed properly, they can give you substantial earnings and splash you with money if you get your app viral by luck. One of the recent examples can be mentioned of flabby bird that earned the developer a whopping $50000 a day through ads at its peak. The ads used to appear in between the consecutive sessions when you kill the bird till the beginning of the next session.

There are numerous in app ad types you can go for. Although there are numerous micro factors, engagement of the game is the central factor that decides the ad type to be incorporated in your application.

In app mobile advertising:

Numerous app development company go for in app mobile ads as they are convenient to get done. Just download the SDK , select an ad network and go.

Advantages: Robust, Lot of options for monetization that comes out of the app


Banners are again very popular although a lot of user might find them annoying and spammy. Banners are easily deployable and can start working pretty quickly. The CTR through banner however are low as they do not appear to be trustworthy.


Interstitials are meant to feature ads on the screen at specific time intervals that may vary from one app to another. Mobile app developer like interstitials to an extent as they appear in a pattern when user attention is at the highest.

Video ads:

There is already a lot of apps that come with video ads. Video ads attract the highest eCPMs and promises to be the next big thing for mobile applications. Facebook and twitter are already contemplating to bring video ads for mobile. And it can also become an important platform to create advertisements in the coming times. As 4g penetrates into most part of the worlds, video ads will become an important platform.

App walls:

An app development company can utilize app walls for multiple purposes. App walls can advertise multiple apps in one splash and hence they are effective tools for app marketing. There are many android app that carry app walls and are pulling a lot of revenues.

Mobile ad display is a dynamic space where things are changing and improvising at a high pace. The methods and platforms are getting more and more streamlined, yielding better results for advertisers and mobile app developers each day.
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