Thursday, March 27, 2014

Though Android is the market leader, iOS remains the thought leader

According to gartner the total market share of android stood almost 58% while iOS stood at 23%. There is a great advantage when you have the largest number of users using your operating system. Everything that is done on the system gives massive results.Huge ecosystems that are based on free software offerings can provide huge benefits and this is applicable with android too. Infact the fate of a game such as flappy bird could not have been the same if it did not have an android version. A mobile app development company knows these benefits associated with android but does not rule out the trendsetting iOS platform at the same time. It is also reported several times that despite holding a small market share, iOS has earned 5 times more revenues than android. It might irk a few android fanboys but Apple still has a  thought leadership engine at the bottom of iOS which solves user challenges more efficiently.

The inception:

iPhone app development India and developers all around see iOS as the standard platforms which is considered as a reference for app development. The iPhone was based on the idea of revolutionizing the smartphone and it did not really do anything entirely inventive to achieve that. It was just a mash up, upgradation and reiteration of existing technologies to make a mobile device that put a credible device to capture, send and process data with an immersive experience for the first time. Android came second.

Upgradations that are worth:

No doubt android has made it possible for a large number of income groups to use a smartphone with speedy upgrades; Apple on the other hand has been very consistent with their upgrades. The idea of solving problems fuelled the same and what users got was highly organized and useful upgrades. Be it the iOS7 or the fingerprint reader, everything adds value to the entire ecosystem.

The future:

The mobile device evolved by leaps and bounds with the first iPhone. Since then, the smartphone ecosystems have been trying to prove valuable for various segments of users and industries. One of the major breakthrough here for iOS is its ability to prove itself for the enterprise. The iOS7 has clearly proved its advantages over android in enterprise computing and has addressed some of the most critical issues. Android has not been able to do it yet.

With an open source code, android has its own set of advantages. However, it does come with a lot of challenges for a conventional user. Generic users have their own set of challenges and to answer them in the best way possible a lot of thought leadership is necessary. Till now, Apple has been doing this more often than android which has kept the made the ecosystem most valuable if not the biggest.
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