Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What are the best things making iOS shine over android?

iOS and Android have traveled a long distance to become the dominant operating systems in the market today. There are advantages that both bring to their respective users. While android remains a more flexible OS with respect to customization and appearance, iOS scores over many features that android does not provide. However, seasoned iPhone app development companies cite two basic advantages that makes it superior to android.

1. Consistency of the OS
2. Better tools for enterprise segment

Consistency of the OS:

One of the major advantages of Apple mobile devices is their consistency. Unlike an android app development expert who goes through app compatibility nightmares, iPhone app development on the other hand are much comfortable. There is consistency among all the devices and it does not take much of a work to turn an iPhone app to an iPad application. The third party APIs also work well with iOS and creates fewer glitches. There is no abnormal drainage of battery or other similar problems. This is one of the reasons iPhone app development companies love the device as it provides consistent experience.

Better tools for addressing the challenges of enterprise mobile:

After delving and exploiting many areas, the iPhone is finally looking into enterprise mobile data management as a potential area where the company can grow and add value to the businesses. In iOS7, Apple provided some simple yet highly effective solutions for separate enterprise data management. These days when users are increasingly bringing their own device to work, it has become important to manage both corporate and personal data separately. Features like per app VPN, Open in management, single sign-in credential for all enterprise apps etc. Android lacks behind by ages  when we compare these features with iOS.

There are advantages with both operating systems but considering stability, iOS looks much better than android.
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