Monday, January 27, 2014

5 takeaways on what does and what doesn't work to promote an iOS app?

Promoting an iOS application? Well you might have come across some scary data facts stating that the cost of iOS app marketing has touched its peak in the recent time. But you need not be worried if you have done your homework right. There is a central idea pertaining to the Apple app store and if it is taken care of you can easily get your app discovered and propagated. top iphone app developers are taking this into account as they market iOS apps these days.
According to an IT analytics and research company Pfeiffer, it has come out in the light that one of the most important aspects in iOS is the user likeness of an app.

1. Apple pays huge attention to it and hence created a category specific listing of apps in the app store. App marketing iPhone app development company are focusing to specify these app categories as a part of app store optimization initiative coz this really works to get your application found.

2. An iPhone app development company would always define the purpose of the iOS app very clearly. Hence it is essential to talk about your application in relevant forums. Do not just paste the link but offer the application as a solution to end a specific problem.

3. Do not get people too many people to install the app temporarily just to rate the app. This might be detected by Apple and can lead to troublesome results.

4. Create an exclusive website to market your application.

5. Create an app marketing video to tell more in less time. Optimize it in youtube with relevant tags.
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