Sunday, February 16, 2014

Everyone can be a superstar developer

Yes, it is true as we see the flappy birds score a fortune in the app stores. The game was simplistic with basic graphic that dated back to the mario days and all the user had to do is to tap to keep the bird flying while passing through the obstacles. The game got some bad reviews from the tech circles that talked mostly about the poor graphics and extremely difficult and frustrating gameplay. But it is ultimately the charts that matters the most. Mobile app developers ultimately create the apps for people and if it appears on the top ten spot, then there is nothing more a mobile app developer can ask for. the flappy bird story you can easily predict that everyone can become a successful developer and deliver a hit in the app store. There are a few factors that can make your app the next success story on app stores and earn your huge revenues if you could do it right. One of the major aspect for mobile app developers should be upon the simplicity of the game. Be it angry birds or flappy birds, they did not asked for the least efforts from the games. You can play them anytime and without any mental stress. Mobile app developers must understand that simplicity is one of the major aspects with casual games and simpler the game play, more downloads and installs it is likely to get.

If you want to earn money from your app/game, then have a clear app monetization pathway into mind. Look into the various aspects as to how your app is being used by your userbase. For example in flappy birds, the gameplay never goes out of the loop while the users hit the replay button at least 3-4 times in a minute. These intermediate slots between sessions proved the ultimate goldmine for the developer, earning him more than $50k a day from ads that flashed between gameplay sessions.

Don’t under estimate android. Flappy bird went viral due to android. Hence, create a free version for android so that your app/game has wider reach amongst your target audience. Making an android device does not open up revenue channels directly but they will let you understand about the various other segments of users. You could target these cluster of users next time when you make an app or update your existing application.
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