Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nokia dares to look beyond windows, tweaks Android!

So Nokia is also coming up with their own budget android phone. It does not raise eyebrows to hear this announcement when the company is desperately looking for some voluminous sales. However what an android app development company would find strange is the fact that the device will not have any direct application to the play store. However Nokia will give the app for Nokia app store (OVI store) to download apps for your device. Is this an effort from Nokia to create get a huge low end market and then sell apps to them. How should the decision of excluding play store be looked at?
 Nokia has a very strong brand perception that directly connect to dependability, trust and other major variables of brand loyalty. Especially in countries like India, Nokia is still one of the major players in the market selling most of the budget phones. People believe in the brand name and might give its android phone a chance. Forget about the play store thing, if we just look at the specs, it is fairly a great phone that comes with kit kat out of the box set to run on a 1.2ghz dual core. The market that it is targeting is mostly occupied by 4 inch+ phones made by players like micromax. And this is where the brand name Nokia might be able to topple the 5 incher micromax devices.

Micromax has already been known for its notorious customer service while with Nokia, it is vice versa. Nokia has one of the best customer service network in India and people are already aware about it.

If Nokia fares better as compared to micromax on the experience part, (for which micromax has bad reputation with some of its models) then it would open up doors for the company to sell feature rich phones for this market creating a substantial Nokia android cluster who will be downloading apps from the Nokia store and Nokia and come up with a substantial app store supported by reviews and some cash as well, derived from the paid apps. In the longer run the company might go for a larger spectrum of devices and target other segments too. This might looked a little farfetched but launching a budget android phone with its own app store indicates nothing but creating a foothold upon the chaotic android platform while also assuring a revenue generating app store in the future.
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