Tuesday, February 4, 2014

“Just when many thought that the web is dead”

It has recently come out that google will be allowing developers to create android and iOS apps from chrome apps. We know that chrome already has a lot of applications and having them on mobile will just add value to both chrome and the mobile OSs alike. An app development company can employ Apache’s cordova platform to port chrome apps to iOS and Android apps. This comes as a great news for some tech pundits and they feel that there no revolutionary apps for chrome and are eager to find out, as to how these apps would fare in mobile.

Finding a new market
Many chrome applications can be potential hits in mobile platforms. There are many productivity apps that can get a new life as they go mobile. All this will make the chrome apps to find new markets in mobile by letting these apps flourish. Another great thing about this step would be a large number of valuable iOS users will use these apps and create monetization potential for the application. An app development company might look towards a large number of app porting requests from chrome to iOS and Android.
Continuing the chrome revolution
This announcement from google can be a real motivator for many developers who have been developing for chrome. They have a huge and newly opened market in front of them to exploit with little efforts. As far a google is concerned, this is great step in keeping developers motivated and committed towards making chrome apps that can also run in the mobile ecosystems. So just when many thought that the web is already dead, this  can be seen as a potential preventive measure from google.
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